Hop Along Blog Hop

Welcome to the Hop Along Friday! We want our hop to include everyone so it is a social hop! There are tons of ways to
follow blogs such as Google+, Networked Blogs, Facebook, twitter and various other
options. We want everyone to link up!



Here is what we would love for you to do. Please link up your blog and
at the end of it, leave how you would like to be followed.

Example: Chubby Cheeks Thinks *Google+

This way, readers aren’t [Read more…]

Hop Along Blog Hop

Welcome to the Hop Along Friday! We want our hop to include everyone so it is a social hop! There are tons of ways to
follow blogs such as Google+, Networked Blogs, Facebook, twitter and various other
options. We want everyone to link up!

Here is what we would love for you to do. Please link up your blog and at the end of it, leave how you would like to be followed.
Example: Chubby Cheeks Thinks *Google+”

This way, readers aren’t coming to your blog and are [Read more…]

Weekend Blog Hop

Welcome to the Hop Along Friday! We want our hop to include everyone so it is a social hop! There are tons of ways to
follow blogs [Read more…]

Hop Along Blog Hop

Welcome to the Hop Along Friday! We want our hop to include everyone so it is a social hop! There are tons of ways to
follow blogs such as Google+, Networked Blogs, Facebook, twitter and various other
options. We want everyone to link up!

Here is what we would love for you to do. Please link up your blog and
at the end of it, leave how you would like to be followed.
Example: Chubby Cheeks Thinks *Google+”
This way, readers aren’t coming to your blog and are at a loss for how
to follow you. It is simple and easy and the same as it has
always been but with more options to [Read more…]

Finding New Friends Blog Hop

Welcome back to week 75 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! We missed you last week but were enjoying a bloggy vacation! But we’re back now and ready to hop! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for? Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing [Read more…]

Hop Along Friday

Welcome to the Hop Along Friday!
As most of you may be aware of, GFC will no
longer be available to self hosted blogs and non blogger blogs
shortly. We don’t want to leave all of those people out! So, we are
adjusting our hop to include everyone! There are other ways to
follow blogs such as Google+, Networked Blogs, and various other
options. We want everyone to link up!

Here is what we would love for you to do. Please link up your blog and
at the end of it, leave how you would like to be followed.
Example: Chubby Cheeks Thinks *Google+” 

This way, readers aren’t coming to your blog and are at a loss for how
to follow you. It is simple and easy and the same as it has
always been but with more options to include everyone!
As always, while we don’t require that you follow us, we would love
it if you would since it takes time to set up the hop and to
spread the word. And we will follow you back if you follow us and
leave us a comment! If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact me or any one of the other

1. Follow each of our hostesses:

Chubby Cheeks Thinks

2. Add your blog link to our link list.

3. Place our button on your sidebar!

Hop Along Blog Hop

Welcome to the Hop Along Friday!
As most of you may be aware of, GFC will no
longer be available to self hosted blogs and non blogger blogs
shortly. We don’t want to leave all of those people out! So, we are
adjusting our hop to include everyone! There are other ways to
follow blogs such as Google+, Networked Blogs, and various other
options. We want everyone to link up!


Here is what we would love for you to do. Please link up your blog and
at the end of it, leave how you would like to be followed.
Example: Chubby Cheeks Thinks *Google+”
This way, readers aren’t coming to your blog and are at a loss for how
to follow you. It [Read more…]

Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop

Welcome back to week 74 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! We missed you last week but were enjoying a bloggy vacation! But we’re back now and ready to hop! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for? Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing [Read more…]