Goodbye Old Bag – Travel With Your Eco-Friendly Bag

With so much luggage moving from point to point all over the world, you would think that we have the situation covered as bag manufacturing is concerned. There are plenty of companies making travel bags and you will certainly see the advertising in the airports. While you are inundated with the staggering choices, focus on one particular aspect.

Consider eco-friendly bags for travel. This actually is not as big of a step as you might think. You will find that these travel bags are sturdy enough for certain belongings, particularly heavier items which need to be kept cold.

Cold Travel Bags

When you are traveling with cold foods, you will need to get a special kind of bag and, preferably, it would be eco-friendly. The material of the bag does matter. You want to make sure that it has a high rating for long-term traveling.

As long as instructions are followed and you have the proper insulated bag, it should all be fine.

These bags can also be used for the transport of other belongings. It is just that they are built for insulation. This also comes in handy when shopping in the city.

Promotional Cooler Bags

Surely you have already read about reusable bags to use in retail sales. You can also sell the cooler bags to customers and sometimes give them away. If you make sure that the company logo and some other affiliate logos are all on the bags, they start to catch the interests of many potential customers and clients.

Such bags can be used to promote special events, particularly annual or bi-annual events. When people get a functional and flashy bag from a venue, they tend to reuse it over and over again. As it happens, this is the whole point of using the bags in the first place.

Happy Travels

When you are in the situation of traveling with good frozen fish or other cold delights, you truly want your cargo to make it without spoiling. This is a fine line for many travel coolers to live up to. Click here to learn more about the different bags you can order. Ideally, you want to get bags that live up to their reputation.

Colorful Exteriors

When you are traveling by plane, remember that it can be difficult to see your luggage and especially the cooler bags as they come through the luggage area. To prevent this, be sure to get reusable, eco-friendly cooler travel bags with incredible colors on it. That way, you cannot miss them.

Some of these bags are made sturdier than others. Others are fine for many, many uses, but can become worn down after some time. Choose whatever works for you, considering all of your needs and the needs of your family.

You want to make all of your adventurous travels great while taking home interesting rewards. Go salmon fishing in Alaska and bring home some fine, wild fillets. Do the same with Perch or cold-water Bass. Or, just transport your refrigerated items while out on picnics.

Protect Local Water- Heads Up, NJ

On Sunday July 9th movements across NJ will unite to protect water and life from the Pilgrim Pipelines proposal, and call for an end to all forms of unsafe Bakken oil transport through our water sources and our communities.
A large coalition of organizations will unite on July 9th to say: 
Water Is Life!                                                             
No Pilgrim Pipelines, No Oil “bomb” Trains, and No Oil Barges through our communities and water sources! 
Just Transition to 100% Renewable Energy!
Sign up to join us at either the opening or closing ceremony (along the Ramapo River in Mahwah or at Saint Peter’s University in Englewood Cliffs) or come for the entire Water Is Life Caravan. 
Details and register for the Water Is Life Caravan at:
Details and register for the closing ceremony at:
Here’s a few ways you can help promote this event.
  • Forward this e-mail and attached flyer to your contacts and to organizations.
  • Share our Facebook even on social media:
  • Make a commitment to arrive at Continental Soldiers Field at the Ramapo River with a vehicle full of people. Let us know how many people will be in your vehicle with you.
  • Make phone calls to help get people to sign up to participate!  Email msm… if you need a list of people to call.
  • Hand out and post flyers at libraries, schools, labor unions, farmers markets, meetings, events in your town, at parks, etc.
  • Go door to door to publicize the demonstration and sign people up participate.

All vehicles are welcome in the Caravan. Electric and hybrid cars will lead theway! Help us find people with electric or hybrid vehicles who will join. (If you have a great contact with an electric vehicle company, help us get their participation.) Each vehicle in the Caravan will receive a map of the Caravan route, a Water & Oil Don’t Mix or a No Oil Pipelines, Rails, or Barges window flag for their car, and a caravan brochure. The educational brochure will detail the specific risks of transport of Bakken crude oil and other fossil fuels along the Caravan route, the importance of keeping Bakken crude and other fossil fuels in the ground, and  the urgency of a just and rapid transition to 100% renewable energy.

Water Is Life Caravan Co-sponsors: 350 NJ, Bergen County Green Party, Bronx Climate Justice North, Coalition Against the Pilgrim Pipeline – CAPPCoalition to Ban Unsafe Oil Trains, Environment NJ, Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County, Food and Water Watch, NJ, Franciscan Response to Fracking, GreenFaith, Green Party of Essex County, Hackensack Riverkeeper, Jersey Justice Action Network, Mom’s Clean AirForce, NJ State Industrial Union Council, North Jersey Green Alliance, Occupy Bergen County, People’s Organization for Progress, Puffin Cultural Forum, Resistance Café, Sane Energy Project, Sierra Club, NJ, Sisters of St. Joseph’s of Peace, Waterspirit.