Climbing The Corporate Ladder Gracefully

Stressed. Overworked. High pressure. Many people associate these words with what top management
business executive might experience regularly, while holding their company up with their own back,
working overtime and pushing forward with success. You may be surprised to learn that it’s the
followers that create more stress for themselves, rather than the leaders, according to a new study.

Take a Chill Pill

A Harvard executive-training program unraveled findings that stress hormone and anxiety levels
typically decrease as people climb up the corporate latter. This particular stress-indicating hormone,
called cortisol, is necessary for everyone to cope with stress. However, when levels are too high, it can
be linked to obesity, heart disease, stroke and other major causes of death. Perhaps leaders feel that
sense of freedom and personal achievement due to them being at the top of their organization. Maybe
this study makes for good motivation to focus, push [Read more…]