Drive It Home – Teen Safety #DriveitHome #CGC

Drive It Home is an initiative of the National Safety Council. The initiative focuses on new teen drivers and some possible dangers which parents and teens are probably not aware of, but could save a life. Speaking of which, did you know that vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for US teenagers?

Drive it HomeThe way the Drive It Home show presented the data was not only through hard facts but also through humor from the funny folks at Second City. They put on a faux Dr. Phil show which revolved around parents being more involved, responsible, and active parents. But also teen drivers should be aware of the road and their surrounds while also bringing in mind they are not masters of the road so they should be active learners.

Drive it HomeThe second main portion of the presentation involved a woman who lost her daughter. Her daughter was a passenger in a vehicle during a crash. The number of teens in the car at the time of the accident was three. The next valuable piece of information given out was the more teens in the car the chance of getting into a crash increases- With each additional passenger in a new teen driver’s car, the chance of a crash goes up 50%. For adults it is the opposite, each adult acting as another pair of eyes on the road around them, possibly catching [Read more…]