Win Aurora World’s Sea Sparkles Mermaid Doll

Disclosure- I received sea creature toys for my post. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” tab for more information.

Aurora World makes some super cute stuffed toys and dolls, including the new Sea Sparkles line. They not only make mermaids, but also all sorts of sea creatures like crabs and turtles.

mermaid dollCheck out the new Aurora World Inc.’s Sea Sparkles line, shimmering and shining its way into 2013 with an expanded offering to include new styles and sizes of the popular mermaid dolls.

Here are a few product details:
  • The Sea Sparkles collection now includes new 10″, 18″, 38″ mermaids plus [Read more…]