Top 5 Driver Safety Tips for Expectant Mothers

You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who claims that pregnancy is easy. While some women certainly have it easier than others, many will suffer from morning sickness, swelling, aches, pains, and all manner of bodily changes during the gestation of a child. Add to that weight gain, raging hormones, food cravings, and of course, labor and childbirth waiting at the end of the long haul. And that doesn’t even take into account complications that could arise, such as gestational diabetes, a mismatched Rh factor, preterm labor, and so on. And yet, women today still manage to do nearly all of the things they were doing before they got pregnant, including working, exercising, running a household, and more. Of course, they will necessarily have to alter some of their activities in order to protect themselves and an unborn child. So when it comes to driving, there are a few additional safety precautions expectant mothers may want to observe.

  1. Seatbelt positioning. You might be worried about the damage your seatbelt could cause your fetus in the event of [Read more…]