Traveling With Toddlers: 5 Things You Can’t Forget to Pack

When you hit the road or fly the friendly skies with toddlers in tow, you’re opening yourself up to
all kinds of headaches. And yet, parents pack up their kids and head off to parts unknown all the time,
regardless of the trials of traveling with children that have only recently learned to walk (and escape the
second you turn around). So while you’ll certainly want to equip them with some kind of identification
that includes a place to reach you, just in case they slip away during the security screening at the airport
(hey, it probably happens all the time), there are a few other things you’ll want to make sure to pack
when you bring your toddlers along for the trip. Here are some items that you can’t afford to forget at

travel with toddlers

  1. Entertainment options. Providing each toddler with a small backpack with books and toys is not
    only a great way to keep them occupied during travel, but it can also give them a goal to focus on as
    you make your way through an airport or pack up the car. However, it can be difficult to keep track of
    myriad items for each kid. So when it comes to entertainment you really can’t beat the comprehensive
    and all-inclusive option offered by a tablet. All you have to do is preload it with child-appropriate
    movies, music, games, and books and [Read more…]