Archives for September 2011

I hate Irene…..

These were pictures BEFORE the river crested- so it got higher, but by that point, we were down in it hardcore, and didn’t get any pictures.  3 straight days with no sleep, and still….

I will post a few more pics tomorrow, of the cleanup.  I’m really, really tired now. 

I want to thank you guys for all your emails, comments, tweets, and FB comments of support and prayers at this difficult time.  And Closer to Lucy, who took over my page while I was cleaning up sludge and sorting out belongings- that was really sweet, thank you, even if you did invade my page   😛 

You guys are amazing, and thank you for being so sweet.  It’s nice to read all these encouraging messages when I get up from rolling around in sewage.  You can’t know what it means to me, thank you a million times. 

Peace and love, and see you tomorrow.

Friday Hop

Let’s link up…Everyone is welcome (family friendly of course), there are no real rules except you follow your hostesses Have Sippy Will Travel and Closer to Lucy

If you’re new…leave a comment after linking up so I can return the follow. If you aren’t new and know one of us isn’t following leave a comment (we wanna follow you too), and if your not new and just wanna link up…MUAH!

I (Lucy) wanted to include an update about our friend Sam.

The aftermath of
Hurricane Irene has been devastating to many people.  One of them being a beloved member our
Collective Media Magic group, Sam, of Have Sippy, Will Travel,  lives in the hardest hit area in hurricane Irene’s path.  Her home was flooded during Irene, causing extensive damage.  All of
her clothing, much of their furniture, her carpeting, her children’s toys and most of their
precious memorabilia was lost during the flood.  

We still don’t know the extent of the damage, we are waiting for the water to recede. Though it looks like they will probably not be able
to save their home as it filled with raw sewage and raging flood waters.  When
we spoke with her yesterday, she realized she had lost items she thought they had
been able to save.  She and her husband have not been able to work during this
time. She is understandably devastated by recent events and is trying to brace herself for the worst.

We would love to help Sam
during this time of crisis.  Her family, including her two children, ages four
and six, will need so much. If anyone would like to help Sam,  we have established a
Help Sam Fund.  All proceeds will be sent directly to her family to take care of
their needs.

If you would like to know how you can help Sam please email “Lucy” for more information at

In the meantime continue to pray for Sam, her family and all the other’s trying to piece it back together. We will keep you updated as much as we can.

Lucy is hopeful that she can sneak this post up on Sam’s page today but if not if shared readers and fellow friends can spread the word we know Sam would be appreciative. 

Much love,



Twitter Hop- come hop with me!

Please follow your hosts- we will follow you back! 🙂 Follow as many others as you would like, and please follow back those who follow you. This is great for everyone! 🙂


Pictures from our new “waterfront property” #HurricaneIrene

Pictures from the morning of Day 2 of Irene….our street. 
Can anyone say “Venice”? 


Photos from Irene

Photos from Day 1 of the flood- before it got bad.  Boats in the street, and cars halfway under, and that is BEFORE it got bad.  I will post more as I can.  It’s really bad here- we lost a lot.  I’m super scared about what else we will find- we are pumping the last of the sewage and water out now, and my driveway and street are already full of lost items, belongings, furniture….I made videos from the days I was not able to post, and THANK YOU to Pam for posting an update for me.  Things are really, really bad here, I am shocked and kind of numb, and some of my friends and neighbors lost just about everything. 

We all had no power, internet, water, etc this whole time, no ability to use a bathroom, still have no gas, no power to half the house, and the smell is UNREAL.  It’s like living in a gas station bathroom. 
I didn’t upload anything yet- as you can tell, I have not had much time on my hands.  Thanks for your patience, and I will update you as much as I can. 

Tomorrow I will try to get more up, some photos and video from all the rest.  Thanks for bearing with me right now, I am super scattered and I know this is not the usual direction of the site- but I will get back to normal as soon as I can, and will try to get some fun things up for you all soon.  Sorry, ya’ll.
I hope none of  you are going through any of this crazy.  Peace and love.  And sorry for this weird post. 
