Archives for September 2011

Weekend Blog Hop! Weekends with Lucy and Sam :)

Let’s link up…Everyone is welcome (family friendly of course), there are no real rules except you follow your hostesses Have Sippy Will Travel and Closer to Lucy

If you’re new…leave a comment after linking up so I can return the follow. If you aren’t new and know one of us isn’t following leave a comment (we want to follow you, too), and if your not new and just want to link up…cool beans!



FEMA- at my house. Hmmm…

Just a little update on our flooding- we had the FEMA guy in our house today, and he is supposed to get back to us in 7-10 days.  MMMMM-k, we shall see how that goes.  Also, our stupid homeowners insurance is doing almost nothing- we MIGHT get up to $4,750 because it was sewage- but the insurance guy still has not called back or shown up.  And what is less then $5,000 going to do, anyway?

We need to knock down and re-do 6 walls, 3 floors, and a whole bathroom.  YES, the whole bathroom.  ALL appliances and furniture are gone, wasted, finished- as well as most of the toys, almost all my clothes and shoes, and our computers, (save the laptop!) and so much more. 

On top of this?  We are flooding again.  It has been pouring rain since Monday, and stopped briefly for a while today- but it says it will rain until Sunday night.  The river has already come back into the street and we are back in flood stage.  They predict Major, but not Catastrophic, flooding.  Because that is just what we need.  Roads are closed all over.  Again.  Yippee!  🙁

At least there is nothing left to lose, right?  Ha!  (Just a paycheck. Ew.)

I am feeling really discouraged and hopeless today.  I hope that things will be better soon.
But, on the bright side, some sweet people have been emailing, calling, and messaging me- Thanks you guys!  Love you tons, and you are really helping me get through this.  
Peace and love to you and yours. 


Win DVDs ‘Families of Philippines’ & ‘Families of Germany- Great Educational Kids DVDs!

Come spend time with four young citizens growing up in two of the most populous countries in the world in Families of Philippines and Families of Germany, the newest titles in the award-winning Families of the World series, venturing onto DVD September 20, 2011 from Master Communications.

The series – 27 titles and growing – enables future travelers to reach across the globe and visit
other people and cultures, all from a child’s point of view. Always focusing on two children from
differing households, one urban, one rural, and narrated by children, Families of the World DVDs invite
viewers to follow two families’ daily routines, introducing both the similarities and differences that exist
between them, as well as us.
The Southeast Asian country of the Philippines, known officially as the Republic of the
Philippines, is an archipelago consisting of over 7,100 islands, has the fifth longest coastline in the world
(over 22,500 miles), experiences frequent seismic and volcanic activity and combines both Eastern and
Western cultures.

In Families of Philippines, meet 13-year old Khim, a boy who lives on the rural island of Cebu
with his grandparents, aunt and her two children. Living close to the coast, see the dozens of outrigger
boats Khim points out as he explains how the fisherman collect the fish that he and his family eat nearly
every night. Awaking early in the morning from his sleeping mat, Khim bathes, eats, and then makes the
10-minute walk to his public school, which boasts over 10,000 students. Studying plants, computers and
other subjects, his favorite class is science. On the way home from school, he stops in the local video
arcade to play games with his friends. Later at home, he completes his chores, which include feeding
their goats, collecting firewood and cooking the rice for dinner. A fan of dance and karate, Khim is an
active, happy boy!

Shahani, 7, lives in the capital city of Manila, a thriving city boasting many modern skyscrapers.
Living with her mom, dad and older sister, the early riser (5 a.m.!), gets help from mom getting started in
the morning before she’s off to school, where she wears a name tag to help the teachers with the over
5,000 students. During the 10 months she attends school, she studies English among other subjects.
Mom shops for fresh fish and vegetables every day while Dad works as a children’s costumed birthday
party entertainer and also teaches dance, which Shahani also studies (and excels – she won a local
competition and was featured on television). Enjoying adobo stew for dinner and mango for desert, she
and her sister welcome friends over in the evening for games and fun, then it’s off to bed for rest before
her big test the next day!

Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is a parliamentary republic consisting of 16
states, boasts one of the world’s largest economies and is the 14th most populous country in the world.
The divided parts of East and West Germany were united in 1990 after the celebrated destruction of the
Berlin Wall.

In Families of Germany, meet seven-year-old Sophia from the village of Reimershausen, who
lives with her parents, sister Johanna and brother Simon. After a breakfast of bread, cheese and jam made
from the fruit in their garden, she is off to school where she and her 19 classmates study English and
biology among other subjects. Sophia studies guitar after school when she’s not helping out at a
neighbor’s farm where twice a week she feeds cows and collects eggs from the chickens. Following
dinner, she heads back to school for crafts and skits. During the weekend her family eats breakfast
together, then enjoys activities – this particular weekend they are celebrating St. Martin’s Day, visiting
Marburg Castle and attending her sister’s choral concert. A bedtime story from mom and dad and it’s off
to sleep!

Ole is ten years old and lives in the capital city of Berlin with his parents, two brothers and two
tortoises. It’s Halloween, so we get to tag along as Ole carves pumpkins, prepares treats for his neighbors
before taking two trains to spend the day uptown, where we see conversation bikes, Segues and tour boats
on the river. Upon their return, they head out for some trick-or-treating. The next day it’s back to school
where Ole studies English and math while his dad, an engineer, works at a jet plane factory and mom
teaches at an animal museum. After school it’s time for homework and dinner before heading off to
handball practice. It’s been a long day, so bedtime is a welcome event!

Families of the World is recommended for ages 5-11 and retails for $29.95. The series features
families in Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Egypt, France, Ghana, Guatemala,
India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Mexico (includes Spanish and English soundtrack) and More Mexico,
Panama, Puerto Rico, Russia, Sweden, Thailand, the USA, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam
Each DVD includes a free PDF Teacher’s Guide, which features the script, copy-ready maps,
discussion and activity guides, recipes, glossaries and more. To order Families of the World DVDs,
call 1-800-765-5885 or visit

I love this series- they are great to introduce kids to the world, other cultures, and get them interested in travel.  I also love how handy and easily used for a classroom environment they make these for teachers.  I think these are a must have for anyone who wants their child to be a  citizen of the world, not just of their own backyard. 

You can buy these DVDs on Amazon or on  You can also enter to win below.
Want to win?  Here is how to enter!

Mandatory entry
You must be a public follower on Google Friend Connect.
Leave me your email so I can contact you if you win.  In  your comment, please- along with which size you would prefer  🙂
 Extra Entries
(Please leave a separate comment for each entry)
– Leave me a link for your favorite costume not mentioned here  🙂 
-“Like” me on Facebook -feel free to give me some comment love!  🙂  This is not mandatory, and Facebook is in no way sponsoring this giveaway.
+2 entries

-Subscribe to Have Sippy Will Travel by email, and confirm subscription  or via RSS
+3 entries

– Follow me on Twitter ( or you can use my adorable button to the side!) and tweet about this contest
#Win Families of the World DVDs #Contest #education #kids @HaveSippy  

*can be done daily

Please make sure you follow first!
+2 entries

– Follow any of the Collective Media Magic Back To School event Bloggers’ sites! 

3 Princes and a Princess 2Closer to LucyHave Sippy Will Travel, and The Thrifty Things.  You can Follow GFC, Twitter, or Facebook- each is worth an entry.  

– Email a friend about this contest, with a CC to me at
(you get an extra entry if they enter, too!)

 -Add my button to your blog, and leave me the link so I can find it

– Follow me on “Networked Blogs”

– blog about this giveaway, and link back to this contest (leave me the URL in comment, please) 

-Add me to your blogroll, with a link back to me

– Vote for me on “We’re On The Fence!”  (Just Click the Button to the left that says “We’re On the Fence” until it confirms you voted for your’s truly!)   *Can be done daily 

– enter another one of my giveaways 

– comment on a non-giveaway post

– Like this post on Facebook, Stumble it, or hit G+1 button  (each is worth one entry) 

OOO, so many ways to win! Good luck! 

DISCLOSURE: I received nothing for this post.  All opinions are mine, yours may differ.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary.  Void where prohibited by law.  Open to US shipping addresses only.  Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above.  Sponsor is responsible for providing and mailing prize. Ends Oct. 1, 2011

Win a Professional Nail Care Kit- Contest

Where Time Stands Still
 This information is provided by the sponsor- I have never tried any of these products and am providing this information and contest for all of you  🙂
Minus417 is the lowest point on Earth and situated at 1,373 ft (-417 meters) below sea level, where time stands still.  –Minus417 specializes in combining ancient knowledge with high technology. Their products are based on an optimal balance between the components’ proportions and their cosmetic effects. These products present a unique cosmetic development, the Vitamin Mineral Complex, a scientific combination of natural active components, like moisture-balancing select minerals from the Dead Sea, energizing anti oxidant vitamins and unique plant extracts from France, designed to assist in regenerating skin cells and preventing aging signs. All –Minus417 products are paraben and mineral oil free. For the first time ever they are now available to American consumers.
·  Nail buffer
·  Nail file
·  Cuticle oil (30 ml.)
·  hand moisturizer (50 ml.)
·  foot nourishing cream (50 ml.)
·  Prevents dryness
·  Nourishes your skin
·  Maintains moisture levels
·  Effective for All Skin Types
·  A relaxing and refreshing cream enriched with moisturizer, for softening dry and cracked soles.
·  Helps relieve dryness.
·  Leaves your feet feeling fresh and prevents unpleasant odors.
·  Nourishes your skin
·  Maintains moisture levels
·  Effective for All Skin Types
Retail Price: $39.48
What is the uniqueness of the Vitamin Mineral Complex?
•       Maintains the natural humidity of the skin by improving the mineral balance of the cells.
•         Strengthens the natural protection of the skin.
•         Delays skin aging by regenerating new skin cells.
•         Improves body, face, skin texture, hair and scalp.
•         Eases rheumatic pain in muscles and bones.
•         Detoxifies, cleans skin thoroughly.
•         Anti Allergen and suitable for sensitive skin care.

•         Increases cell metabolism and activates enzymes.
Want to win?  Here is how to enter!

Mandatory entry
You must be a public follower on Google Friend Connect.
Leave me your email so I can contact you if you win.  In  your comment, please- along with which size you would prefer  🙂
 Extra Entries
(Please leave a separate comment for each entry)
– Leave me a link for your favorite costume not mentioned here  🙂 
-“Like” me on Facebook -feel free to give me some comment love!  🙂  This is not mandatory, and Facebook is in no way sponsoring this giveaway.
+2 entries

-Subscribe to Have Sippy Will Travel by email, and confirm subscription  or via RSS
+3 entries

– Follow me on Twitter ( or you can use my adorable button to the side!) and tweet about this contest
#Win Professional Nail kit and lotions #Contest  @HaveSippy  

*can be done daily

Please make sure you follow first!
+2 entries

– Follow any of the Collective Media Magic Back To School event Bloggers’ sites! 

3 Princes and a Princess 2Closer to LucyHave Sippy Will Travel, and The Thrifty Things.  You can Follow GFC, Twitter, or Facebook- each is worth an entry.  

– Email a friend about this contest, with a CC to me at
(you get an extra entry if they enter, too!)

 -Add my button to your blog, and leave me the link so I can find it

– Follow me on “Networked Blogs”

– blog about this giveaway, and link back to this contest (leave me the URL in comment, please) 

-Add me to your blogroll, with a link back to me

– Vote for me on “We’re On The Fence!”  (Just Click the Button to the left that says “We’re On the Fence” until it confirms you voted for your’s truly!)   *Can be done daily 

– enter another one of my giveaways 

– comment on a non-giveaway post

– Like this post on Facebook, Stumble it, or hit G+1 button  (each is worth one entry) 

OOO, so many ways to win! Good luck! 

DISCLOSURE: I received nothing for this post.  All opinions are mine, yours may differ.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary.  Void where prohibited by law.  Open to US shipping addresses only.  Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above.  Sponsor is responsible for providing and mailing prize. Ends Oct. 1, 2011


ONE CONVERSATION CAN SAVE A LIFE: Keeping Kids Safe around Electricity

Just one conversation might make all the difference. Southern California Edison, one of the nation’s largest electricity providers, asks that at least once a year, parents teach their children about how electricity works, what it does, and how to stay safe around it. Every season has opportunities to discuss these issues, and September is especially appropriate because it’s National Preparedness Month.

Why is electrical safety important? Consider this:
•       The most recent statistical data from the National Fire Protection Association indicates an annual average of almost 51,000 home fires involving electrical failure or malfunction.
•       Those fires claim nearly 500 lives, injuring more than 1,400 people, resulting in more than $1.3 billion in property damage.
•       Statistics from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission show that nearly 400 people are electrocuted in the United States each year.
•       The National Institutes of Health reports that though childhood deaths due to electrocution are rare, they are more likely to occur when children are playing around electrical wires or equipment, and often result from either faulty apparatus, or a lack of understanding of the potential dangers involved. The majority of deaths, 69 percent, occur in or around the home.

How electricity travels
Electricity is always trying to get to the ground and will take the easiest path. Like all good travelers, electricity takes shortcuts whenever it can. If something that conducts electricity gives electricity an easy path to the ground, electricity will take it.

Water and metal are some of the best conductors for electricity. Because our bodies are mostly water, we are a great conductor, too.  So if you touch an electric circuit and the ground at the same time, you will become electricity’s easiest path. Electricity will flow through you, and you could be seriously hurt or killed. This is why it’s so important to keep all electrical appliances away from water, and to make sure your hands are dry and you are not standing in water when you touch anything electrical. It’s also the reason no one should ever use water on an electrical fire, but should use a multipurpose fire extinguisher instead.

You don’t have to be touching the ground directly to conduct electricity. You could also be touching something that is in contact with the ground, like a tree or a ladder.

Electricity, You, and Appliances
Appliances and electronic devices have protective insulated cords and coverings to keep you from contacting the electricity inside – if a cord is frayed, get it repaired or replace it. It’s important to use appliances and cords the way they were designed to be used so you don’t damage the insulation or contact live electrical parts. If a live wire inside an appliance, toy, or power tool touches the inside of the device and you touch the device, it would be like touching a bare live wire. You cannot tell from the outside if there is a problem inside, so you should always act as if there were danger of shock.

Why Can Birds and Utility Workers Touch Power Lines But We Can’t?
Have you ever wondered why the birds that sit on power lines don’t get electric shocks? It’s because the electricity is always looking for a way to get to the ground, but the birds are not touching the ground or anything in contact with the ground.

If you touched a power line while you were in contact with the ground (or standing on a ladder or roof) electricity would travel through you. And if your kite or balloon got tangled in a power line and you touched the string, electricity could travel down the string and into you on its way to the ground. Both situations would mean a serious shock!

Have you ever wondered why people who work up on power lines don’t get shocked? Utility workers are trained to work with electricity. They wear special insulated boots, hardhats, and gloves, and use special insulated tools that help prevent shock. It would be a bad idea to climb a power pole and imitate them — and possibly fatal!

Tree & Power Line Safety
Lots of kids like to climb and play in trees. Follow these tips to stay safe:
•       Never allow kids to climb in or play in trees, forts or tree houses that next to power lines.
•       Never touch a power line with your hand or with any other object, whether you are in a tree or on the ground.
•       Call your electric utility if you see trees growing close to high-voltage power lines or contacting these lines. (High-voltage lines are the ones at the very top of power poles.)
•       If you see a power line that has fallen into a tree or onto the ground, stay away and call 911 immediately. Even if they are not sparking or humming, fallen lines can kill you if you touch them or the ground nearby.
•       Before planting a tree, call your local utility locator service to make sure you won’t dig into underground power lines. Don’t let kids play near electrical equipment such as power lines, substations or transformers. They carry dangerous amounts of electricity.
•       If you get caught in a lightning storm, go indoors immediately. If you can’t get indoors: Get in a hardtop car; stay away from trees, tall objects or anything metal; stay away from water (pools, rivers, ponds or lakes); and avoid wide open areas such as sports fields or golf courses.

Electric Shock
If someone has been shocked, there’s a chance they may still be in contact with the source of the electricity. Do NOT touch the person or anything he or she is touching. You could become part of electricity’s path and be shocked or even killed. Take these three steps:
1.      Turn off the main power to the house.
2.      Call for help (usually 911). Tell them it is an electrical accident.
3.      When the victim is not in contact with the source of electricity and you’re sure there is no danger, tell an adult to give first aid for electrical injury. This may include CPR.
4.      Don’t touch burns, break blisters, or remove burned clothing. Electrical shock may cause burns inside the body, so be sure the person is taken to a doctor.

Downed Power Lines
Downed power lines can hurt or kill you, even if they do not spark or hum. If you see a downed power line, stay very far away. Do not even get close to anything that is touching the line, like a tree, fence, vehicle, etc. Tell an adult to call 911 and the local electric utility to report the line.

If a Power Line Touches Your Car
If you are in a car when a power line falls on it, stay in the car. When you are in the car you are not a part of electricity’s path to the ground. Wait in the car until qualified electrical workers turn the power off and tell you it is safe to leave the vehicle. If people come near the car to help you, warn them to stay far away. Ask them to telephone 911 and the local electric utility for help.

If you MUST leave the car because of fire or other danger, JUMP away from the vehicle so no part of you touches the vehicle and ground at the same time. Land with both feet together, then shuffle away. Take very small steps and keep your feet in contact with each other and the ground constantly.

Do not try to help someone else from the car while you are standing on the ground. If you do, you will become a path for electricity and could be hurt or killed!

Once you jump from a car with a power line on it, the danger may not be over. Electricity can spread out through the ground in a circle from any downed line. The voltage drops as you move away from the point of contact. If one part of your body touches a high-voltage zone while another part of your body touches a low-voltage zone, you will become a conductor for electricity. This is why you should shuffle away from the line, keeping your feet close together.

During A Power Outage
Your family should always have a safety kit on hand. Put the items below in your kit to keep your family comfortable during a power outage. Replace all items in the kit at least once a year. Make sure everyone in your family knows where the kit is stored.
•       Flashlights
•       A battery-powered radio
•       Extra batteries for flashlight and radio
•       A three-day supply of bottled water
•       Canned and dried foods
•       Manual can opener
•       Blankets
•       First aid supplies

If you know someone who is dependent on electrically operated medical equipment, make back-up power arrangements in case a power outage affects that equipment.

Watch for traffic signals that may be out. Approach those intersections as four-way stops.

Make sure you have a battery-operated radio and flashlights. Check the batteries to make sure they are fresh. Use flashlights for lighting during a power outage; do not use candles because they pose a significant fire hazard.

Do not use equipment designed for outdoor cooking indoors. Such equipment can emit carbon monoxide and other toxic gases.

If you use a generator, place it outdoors and plug individual appliances directly into the generator, using a heavy-duty extension cord. Connecting generators directly to household circuits creates “backfeed,” which is dangerous to repair crews.

Dizguise Costumes Review and Giveaway

Halloween is coming, and my sweetie pie is already super excited- we have hung spiders and cobwebs in his room- the boy can’t wait!  It was my favorite as a kid, too (really, until I had kids and was not able to go to the fun parties anymore, LOL), so I understand his undulated joy.

My son LOVES Scooby Doo- so when he saw this costume he just flipped out.  He didn’t need to see any more- that was the one!  Scooby Doo, for any of you regular readers, is as you know one of his all time favs.  Sometimes it is all about the classics!

It was over 90 degrees when he put it on- and this is a one piece jumpsuit and headpiece OFFICIAL Scooby Doo costume, and super warm- so after a few minutes I forced him to take it off and he lost his mind.  He cried like I was going to throw it away!  I offered to let him sleep with it as a peace offering, and now that it is cooling down, he wears it almost every day, LOL.

Dizguise Costumes has a zillion fabulous costumes- and if I can judge by this Scooby Doo one, they come fast, send you shipping info right away, and are really great quality for a super price.  You will not find that at your local Halloween Store, even IF you can find a costume you like in the size you want- a BIG if.  Plus- there is the bonus of not having to try to get the attention of some preoccupied teenager on a cell phone texting to go get your costume, LOL. 

(And if you saw, you can save 10% on costumes if you use the code Halloween2011 !)
Who loves saving?  EVERYONE!

Of of you lucky ducks will win an adorable costume from Dizguize Costumes- this cute Garfield Costume in size 2T or 4T!

Want to win?  Here is how to enter!

Mandatory entry
You must be a public follower on Google Friend Connect.
Leave me your email so I can contact you if you win.  In  your comment, please- along with which size you would prefer  🙂
 Extra Entries
(Please leave a separate comment for each entry)
– Leave me a link for your favorite costume not mentioned here  🙂 
-“Like” me on Facebook -feel free to give me some comment love!  🙂  This is not mandatory, and Facebook is in no way sponsoring this giveaway.
+2 entries

-Subscribe to Have Sippy Will Travel by email, and confirm subscription  or via RSS
+3 entries

– Follow me on Twitter ( or you can use my adorable button to the side!) and tweet about this contest
#Win Dizguise Costumes #Contest @HaveSippy  

*can be done daily

Please make sure you follow first!
+2 entries

– Follow any of the Collective Media Magic Back To School event Bloggers’ sites! 

3 Princes and a Princess 2Closer to LucyHave Sippy Will Travel, and The Thrifty Things.  You can Follow GFC, Twitter, or Facebook- each is worth an entry.  

– Email a friend about this contest, with a CC to me at
(you get an extra entry if they enter, too!)

 -Add my button to your blog, and leave me the link so I can find it

– Follow me on “Networked Blogs”

– blog about this giveaway, and link back to this contest (leave me the URL in comment, please) 

-Add me to your blogroll, with a link back to me

– Vote for me on “We’re On The Fence!”  (Just Click the Button to the left that says “We’re On the Fence” until it confirms you voted for your’s truly!)   *Can be done daily 

– enter another one of my giveaways 

– comment on a non-giveaway post

– Like this post on Facebook, Stumble it, or hit G+1 button  (each is worth one entry) 

OOO, so many ways to win! Good luck! 

DISCLOSURE: I received the above product for review.  All opinions are mine, yours may differ.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary.  Void where prohibited by law.  Open to US shipping addresses only.  Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above.  Sponsor is responsible for providing and mailing prize. Ends Sept. 30, 2011


Award Winning StinkyKids book and dolls at FAO Schwartz this weekend!


Brave Rooney App

‘BRAVE ROONEY’, spotlighted today by Publisher’s Weekly:
Until September 9, the publisher is having a “Back to School” special with the app selling for only .99.  To get a glimpse, go to:”
Maybe something for your kiddos  🙂  
