And This Week on #NSNation @Nutrisystem

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I have lost 1 pound this week. I am finding the super slow weight loss at the moment super frustrating- AHHHH!!!
I know, all good things in time- but I’m not getting any younger, LOL. Le sigh. Patience, right?

So, I have been frustrated. Can you tell? Haha. It’s a little hard not to eat all the stuff you LOVE while you watch (and sometimes cook for) everyone else eating it. But I guess no one gets overweight because they hate food, right? So I have lost 27 pounds, and I am happy about that. I have roughly 25 more pounds to go- and I know I will get there. This plan is easy to follow, and the support staff at Nutrisystem is fabulous- even if I am being pissy and frustrated, haha.

I need to do a little more in the way of exercise this week, last week I slacked a bit. But this is going to be an active week for me, so I hope I will make up for it. I also appreciate that this diet has been a “calm in my storm”, so to speak, of crazy that has been going on here- something I feel I can control. What I eat- I can’t control floods, FEMA, insurance, employment, health, my poor doggie, or anything else it seems- but hey, I sure can control what I stick in my mouth, right?

I’m going to get to the size I want to be. I know I will. Even if it takes me a little longer then I was hoping. Why? Because Nutrisytem rocks, and so do I. So there, stupid world!!!! 😛

Have you seen Nutrisystem’s amazing End of the Year Sale? Lock in the lowest prices of the year for as long as you’re on the Program!

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting Nutrisystem.
Disclosure- Nutrisystem is providing their program and support services for my participation in the Nutrisystem Nation Blogging Program. All opinions are my own, and honest- yours my differ.


  1. Go, girl! Keep up the great work – easier with Nutrisystem, I’ll bet!

  2. You’re over 1/2 way there! yeah Sam! I’m in a definite FAT RUT! Maybe it’s time to get serious and check out Nutri System!

  3. I so know what you mean Sam, it’s tough when the weight loss is slow. I honestly thought I would be losing weight faster too. To be honest though, I haven’t been as strict as I should, so I know its my fault too BOO!! But we are still doing great, I can’t wait til we both hit the 30 pound mark!!

  4. I know that there are times when people slow down, but slow and steady wins the race, right? You have the determination to see this through!


  5. Don’t worry, you’ll make it. 27 lbs is awesome!

  6. You can do it!!!! You are an amazing woman!

  7. Rock it girl! Your doing great 😀

  8. YAY for you!

  9. They say slow and steady is best 😉 You’ll get there, don’t give up!

  10. I can really tell the weight lose from your photos. Those pounds will come off and soon.

  11. Yay Sam! I know you will get there! How is the dog?

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