Major Hurricane on the Way for the NorthEast and East Coast

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This is more of an FYI post- I will be off today getting ready, just in case, as we were wreaked in the last hurricane.

9:40AM EDT October 25. 2012 –

Hurricane Sandy’s rampage through the Caribbean today is only the beginning: Forecasters say the storm could morph into a monstrous nor’easter and slam the U.S. East Coast next week — or it could miss us entirely.

If it hits the Northeast the day before Halloween, as one computer model shows, it would be a disastrous storm, bringing coastal flooding, drenching rainfall, high winds, downed trees, power outages, travel mayhem and even Appalachian snow, according to AccuWeather meteorologist Alex Sosnowski.

Could that happen? Unfortunately, as of midday Wednesday, the “chances are increasing for a major storm impacting the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast,” according to an online forecast report by meteorologist James Cisco of the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center.

More here if anyone is interested! Good luck and let’s just hope it misses us all.

Keep a satellite eye on Hurricane Sandy right here >

Hurricane Sandy could be a Halloween nightmare for the USA: Report shows storm slamming into the Northeast next week

Track Hurricane Sandy with our interactive map:

Guys, it’s time to start freaking out about Snowicane Sandy.

Good luck, everyone!!!





  1. Oh yuck. Thanks for the heads up. Time to batten down our hatches.

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