Today’s Hurricane Sandy Update- Yep, Sandy is a Jerk

First- sorry for my crazy yesterday. This is really getting to me. I know it could be worse, but sometimes it just really gets on you, know what I mean? PSE&G, supposedly prepared according to the many press releases and interviews they did up to the storm- now say they are extending state power turn on dates and that power will not be back for the state until Nov. 9th.

Nothing new to report. No power for us, still just the few houses in the town without. No heat- and it has gone below freezing. You can see your breath, [Read more…]

Major Hurricane on the Way for the NorthEast and East Coast

This is more of an FYI post- I will be off today getting ready, just in case, as we were wreaked in the last hurricane.

9:40AM EDT October 25. 2012 –

Hurricane Sandy’s rampage through the Caribbean today is only the beginning: Forecasters say the storm could morph into a monstrous nor’easter and slam the U.S. East Coast next week — or it could miss us entirely.

If it hits the Northeast the day before Halloween, as one computer [Read more…]