Today’s Hurricane Sandy Update- Yep, Sandy is a Jerk

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First- sorry for my crazy yesterday. This is really getting to me. I know it could be worse, but sometimes it just really gets on you, know what I mean? PSE&G, supposedly prepared according to the many press releases and interviews they did up to the storm- now say they are extending state power turn on dates and that power will not be back for the state until Nov. 9th.

Nothing new to report. No power for us, still just the few houses in the town without. No heat- and it has gone below freezing. You can see your breath, and there is no way to warm the house up. No way to cook- not that it matters much, since all the food had to be tossed out. There is always the boxed and canned foods. There is no gas, and there have been riots over trying to get some after waiting in miles-long lines.

Just saw photos of the vacation spot my family has been going to since my mother was a baby- totally destroyed. Nothing left. My son has never been on a ride- he went when he was 1 week old and 1 year old, but we had not been back the past 3 years- the first 3 years of my own life I had not gone. I just assumed there would always be time- see new things, etc. This summer we were supposed to go on 2 separate occasions, but daddy’s work pulled us away. Now he will never ride them, nor will so many other kids. The whole boardwalk, piers, rides…just gone. I have no idea what to even say about that. It is sad on a personal level and for the many who live there and make a living there.

This is really depressing. I am grateful we didn’t flood like last year, and like so many others did this year. My husband’s place of work was badly messed up, flooded, and the army corps are there now. This is all so crazy.

So- who is ready for the frogs and locusts?

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