Top 5 Safety Tips for Watching Fireworks With Family

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Fireworks have been a major part of many celebrations for hundreds of years. The Fourth of July, Memorial Day, and New Year’s Day among many others are traditionally marked by spectacular fireworks displays that light up the sky and dazzle viewers from miles away. Of course, the safety concerns of celebrations like this are very high. Make sure to follow these 5 safety tips for enjoying fireworks with your family when the next celebration comes up.

  1. Keep the Kids Supervised
    Children should be kept under constant adult supervision when watching fireworks. The safety concerns for children here are twofold. Fireworks themselves can pose possible dangers to children who may not understand and appreciate their power. In addition to this, fireworks are hypnotizing for many, leading people to gaze up at the sky and forget what’s going on around them. Children can easily slip away from you at times like this, so be sure to keep a steady eye on them.
  2. Maintain a Safe Distance
    Fireworks are beautiful for sure, but they are dangerous as well. The dazzling lights in the sky which steal your gaze during these spectacles are essentially exploding rockets that shoot into the air and blow up high above the ground. Getting an up-close view of these shows can be exciting, but you don’t want to get too close to airborne explosions with your family in tow. Keep a safe distance from the fireworks to ensure a safe and happy time for yourself and your loved ones.
  3. Leave It to the Pros
    Something about fireworks seems to have an ego inflating effect for many people. As soon as the fuses start burning, everyone is an expert, tempted to take part in the lighting and handling of everything from sparklers to rockets. Remember that the people handling these fireworks displays are trained professionals and even they are at significant risk while they do their jobs. You are not a trained professional, so be sure not to cross any lines too eagerly.
  4. Use Your Own Fireworks Responsibly
    There’s nothing wrong with using your own fireworks as long as you obey the law and practice the utmost safety. Buy only from reputable fireworks dealers and abide by all local laws regarding these explosives. Maintain a safe distance from onlookers and always point fireworks away from yourself and any people in the area. People can be seriously injured from irresponsible use of fireworks. Don’t underestimate the power of these items, and exercise extreme caution.
  5. Have First Aid Equipment Handy
    Whether you’re watching professional fireworks displays or making your own with the family, be sure to have first aid equipment handy. It shouldn’t be necessary if you follow safety precautions, but you should always be prepared for what might happen. In the event of a burn, cut, or other injury, providing immediate treatment should be your primary concern. Make sure that first aid equipment is available and that you or someone in your group can administer it.


  1. We always keep our hose on and nearby. Also, we make sure to have the fireworks actually cold when we put them in the rubbish can. One time, there was still a spark and the plastic garbage bag started to melt. Thanks for posting your tips! Great ideas!!!

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