Top 5 Safety Tips for Watching Fireworks With Family

Fireworks have been a major part of many celebrations for hundreds of years. The Fourth of July, Memorial Day, and New Year’s Day among many others are traditionally marked by spectacular fireworks displays that light up the sky and dazzle viewers from miles away. Of course, the safety concerns of celebrations like this are very high. Make sure to follow these 5 safety tips for enjoying fireworks with your family when the next celebration comes up.

  1. Keep the Kids Supervised
    Children should be kept under constant adult supervision when watching fireworks. The safety concerns for children here are twofold. Fireworks themselves can pose possible dangers to children who may not understand and appreciate their power. In addition to this, fireworks are hypnotizing for many, leading people to gaze up at the sky and forget what’s going on around them. Children can easily slip away from you [Read more…]