Vacations with an Amish Flair in Lancaster, PA

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Most of us spend our day to day lives feeling pulled in a thousand directions, and almost everyone I meet classifies themselves as a “busy” person. When it’s time to get away, scenic Lancaster, PA is one of the best places for a slower paced, laid back atmosphere to unwind in a family friendly environment. There is plenty to do (and eat), but you will never feel overwhelmed, rushed, or hurried. These are some of our favorite Amish-inspired destinations in Lancaster, one of our favorite places to spend time as a family.

All aboard the Strasburg Railroad! with the friendly conductor

The Strasburg Railroad is the home to many restored trains from around the USA. Many train fanatics call this site the best historic railroad in America for visitors, and for good reason. Recognized as one of the most significant historic railroads in the USA, the Strasburg Railroad has acquired historic trains from all over the country, and recently celebrated operating for 50 years as a tourist railroad It is one of the remaining stations where you and your family can ride the refurbished trains and steam engines. This station is large, restored, and maintained beautifully- a source of pride for the local people. Every time we visit, we truly sense the enjoyment that the conductors and employees have for their jobs- it shines though as they take their time with every child, posing for photos and answering train trivia with a smile. As you ride the beautifully restored trains through Amish country, learning about steam railroading, agriculture, Amish culture and Pennsylvania Dutch heritage, enjoy your family and your little ones, and let worries slip away. They are little for only so long, and riding in a “real” train is going to be a real delight.

Contact- 717-687-7522;


Amish clothing

The Amish Village is located almost in the direct center of PA Dutch Country- and there is no better place (in my opinion) to learn about the Amish culture and heritage then in this authentic working farm.

You and your family will hear directly from local Amish people, and can ask any questions you may have. A fun and interactive way to experience the Amish culture and way of life that has remained almost unchanged for roughly 300 years, you will also see interesting modifications that have been made based on technology of the surrounding “English”. We were endlessly surprised at the ingenuity that we saw. On the tour you can experience an Amish one-room schoolhouse, farm animals (which were the delight of my pre-school aged son), a smokehouse market, blacksmith shop, and quite a few buggies, plows, and tools on display. After taking the guided house and farm tour and exploring the 12 acre village grounds, stop by one of the shops on the property. For a very small fee, you can try some of the local hand-made treats (and will be glad you did- whoopie pies are not to be missed).

Contact- (717) 687-8511;

eating at the Good ‘N Plenty restaurant in Lancaster

When experiencing a locale, it is important to eat where the locals do. In Lancaster, you won’t want to miss the Good ‘N Plenty Restaurant. Known for- and proud of- it’s family style dining, you and your party will experience authentic Pennsylvania Dutch cooking and flavors that will haunt you long after your vacation is over. All diners will be seated together at long dining tables, which will give you a chance to meet people from all over the country (and perhaps the world, if you are lucky). During our lunch, we sat with a pregnant New York businesswoman who drove several hours to satisfy a craving for Amish cuisine, a couple from Maryland, and a family from Germany. It felt like a global thanksgiving, with many introductions, discussions of our hometowns, and most importantly- please pass the potatoes. (A word of advice- bring home some of their award-winning baked goods.)

Contact- 717-394-7111;



  1. How fun! We love Amish country!

  2. I’v enever been, but I always hear great things.

  3. I would love to eat at that restaurant.

  4. That does look like a great experience. I worked with guy from Norry, PA and was always asking him questions about the Amish. The culture really does fascinate me.

  5. weidknecht says

    He is so freakin’ cute!!!!

  6. I have always been fascinated with the Amish. And I agree that whoopie pies are to die for!

  7. What an interesting experience! I want one of those whoopie pies. 🙂

  8. We live near Amish country in Ohio, too. My mom is actually there today, gathering up all the things she will need for baking for the holidays. I haven’t vacationed with an Amish flair, though. I wonder what that would be like for us. What a wonderful idea.

  9. I enjoy that area. Love to hear the horses clip clop on the roads. There is so much to do there.

  10. We love Lancaster! Never a dull moment and tons to do!


  1. […] Vacations with an Amish Flair in Lancaster, PA – The Amish Village is located almost in the direct center of PA Dutch Country- and there is no better … it is important to eat where the locals do. In Lancaster, you won’t want to miss the Good ‘N Plenty Restaurant. … […]

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