Disclosure: In any review for a product or service, products or compensation may have been provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” and "Terms of Use" tabs for more information.
The big Christmas present in our house this year was an iPad for the family! I must admit that now that we have one, I can already tell that we need another one Everyone wants to use it all the time, which is really testing the patience of my almost 3 year old (which is a good thing).
Being as my almost 3 year old really loves to play with the iPad, I work very hard trying to find “apps” and “games” that are educational for her as well as fun. I was very happy to try out the Adventure Explorer from iLearn ‘N’ Play & appStart Learning.
About AppStart Learning:
AppStart Learning joins 3+ toys and apps to make learning fun by making learning play! iLearn ‘N’ Play works with our young children to help them learn and understand some of the early learning concepts.
The company has offices throughout North America, as well as offices in London, Rome, Sydney, and Hong Kong.
About Adventure Explorer:
For the Adventure Explorer, you can connect your iPad, iPad mini, iPhone, or iPod to the console.
The Adventure Explorer has a working on/off ignition switch, a steering wheel, a shifter, accelerator, forward/reverse control that works with the iLearn ‘N’ Play apps.
There is a free app that you can download to get started using your console. This is a very fun learning app that will help your toddler or young child learn all about their letters. By using this game, it is encouraging letter recognition, blending, and reading.
There are many different settings and cars for you to have an enjoyable learning experience!
To use the console, you have to sync your device and the console together using bluetooth.
There are two other iLearn ‘N’ Play Toys available that look like fun.
- Robbi (played with iPod/iPhone)
- Learning Tablet (played with the iPad)
My Thoughts:
I was very impressed with the Adventure Explorer. We had a great time trying it out! My almost 3 year old absolutely loved driving her “own car”.
She is pretty young, but I was very impressed about how she knew to switch lanes and “catch” the balloons in the beginning stages. She also did a great job repeating the name of the letter, as well as the sound that it makes!
Not only is she learning with the Adventure Explorer, she also loves all the different features on the console! I must mention that all the different sounds you can make by pushing buttons on the steering wheel is one of her favorite things.
As I mentioned before, I am a teacher as well as a mom, and I most definitely am happy to have my daughter play this game. I also would be happy to purchase other games/consoles/apps in the future, because of the great quality that this one provides.
1 Lucky Winner will win their choice of 1 iLearn ‘N’ Play toys. This giveaway is open to U. S. Citizens only.
Danielle received the Adventure Explorer, in order to facilitate her review. All opinions are her own and honest. Please see “Disclose” tab for more info.
Learning Tablet
I would pick Adventure Explorer
I would choose the Adventure Explorer.
I like the learning tablet!
I would choose Robbi the Robot.
I would like the Adventure Explorer
I would choose their Adventure Explorer.
The learning tablet looks great for my almost 3 yr old!
I like the Learning Tablet
the adventurer explorer
Thanks for the opportunity.
Carol L.
Hey Sam
Interesting stuff.
I have a slightly obscure question: what does your son do on the iPad?
And what is the learning your are expecting him to gain from using it?