HALO Charger – Power to Go

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As the age of the smart phone marches on, more and more accessories are needed to keep ourselves active in this age. The newest accessory is a spare battery. Carrying around a spare phone battery is never easy, in order to charge and swap out batteries, face plates and cases have to removed and most times batteries are not actually accessible.

halo charger

In order to charge your phone on the go, it’s time to think outside the box a little bit. We were able to try out the HALO charger ,which is a slim battery that is charged via USB connection then also charges devices through the same. Instead of running out of battery during a conference or your tablet dying during a presentation, or while on the road with the kids, you can stay fully charged and ready to go. After plugging into the HALO charger both can be up and running in no time.


The HALO charger is first plugged into an open USB port. Computer, outlet charger, etc. Then once the LED charge indicator is full, its ready for a day of disaster free charging. In practice we found the charger to work well, but it does trickle in the charge slowly, so be prepared to have it plugged into your device for a while. The plus is that the charger is small, probably the same length as your phone, so it’s slim and light. The charge of the HALO does last long, which is very nice. This device will not replace your phone charger, but it will make your life a bit less hectic, and that’s really all we can ask for, isn’t it?


  1. judy garrison says

    I remember seeing that charger in your hord of cords! Yes, I had a Halo too, but it didn’t perform very well. I found one called MOPHIE (flat and square) and it’s amazing. I get 2 1/2 charges which I didn’t even get a full one with the Halo. If you’re away from an outlet, grab a MOPHIE. Pricey at about $80 but well worth it! Hi Sam from Georgia.

  2. Cecil Whorton says

    Very nice review. Does it have to be plugged into an outlet to make your phone work?
    The Idea is good but not for every one. I’m a work from home kind of guy.

    • no, you take it with you, it does not need an outlet. and it’s good for anyone that ever leaves the house with a phone or tablet for more then a few hours at a time ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. This would be so useful to have on long trips…my phone always seems to die when I’m stuck at the airport, so I’m running around looking for a free outlet. This would be far more convenient.

  4. This is very smart. My sister broke my charger when I was in the hospital last week for 9 days. This would have came in handy when I had no phone. Great Review.

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