GearPower by IOGEAR


One of IOGEAR‘s newest portable power solutions is GearPower, GMP7K. This device is small, powerful and effective.

The Gear Power is charged via USB, it can be connected to a wall outlet or a PC USB port. Any ‘hot’, powered USB connection will also charge it. Most new cable TV boxes have hot USB ports on them somewhere and make for an easy place to plug something in for a while without keeping the computer on or leaving a charger in over night by accident.

When using the Gear Power make sure to follow these battery efficiency tips:

1) Periodically run the device to its absolute bottom (run it dry), then charge it to full capacity. This refreshes the battery’s memory and will lead to stronger, quicker charges and help keep capacity at its maximum.

2) Keep it out of the sun and warmth. Electronics do not like the heat, especially batteries. Excess heat wears batteries down quicker.
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HALO Charger – Power to Go

As the age of the smart phone marches on, more and more accessories are needed to keep ourselves active in this age. The newest accessory is a spare battery. Carrying around a spare phone battery is never easy, in order to charge and swap out batteries, face plates and cases have to removed and most times batteries are not actually accessible.

halo charger

In order to charge your phone on the go, it’s time to think outside the box a little bit. We were able to try out the HALO charger ,which is a slim battery that is charged via USB connection then also charges devices through the same. Instead of [Read more…]