Oliver’s Labels – Back to School

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School time is nearly here, and everyone is bringing in new lunchboxes and backpacks.  This can lead to a very difficult daily task, no not getting the kids out of bed (though that is indeed daunting!)  The most difficult daily activity for children of all ages (and some adults) is to come home with everything they came with, everyday.


Lunchboxes, drink containers, backpacks, sneakers, gym clothes, underwear.  That is a lot of stuff to remember, but most importantly they have to remember to do their best and try to make some friends along the way.  So an easy way to help them remember their things is to label them.  That way, when something is left behind on a table or in a cubby, its easy to tell whose item it is.  Oliver’s Labels makes label for this purpose and many more.  The labels will stick to fabric, be water proof, hang on a tag or just survive a dish washer, Oliver’s has lots of options and all of them are useful.

oliver's labels

There are labels which are available make let others know about allergies, label dietary restrictions, even label things with photos or iron onto fabric.  Each label is well made and printed on high quality paper.  The original labels are probably our favorite and last quite a while on items which go in the dishwasher.  Honestly the only thing these labels can’t stand up to is Little Man peeling them off.  So make sure you don’t forget your back to school shopping and make sure you know whose they are too  with some labels.


  1. Sarah BB @ East9thStreet says

    We label everything! I’m a little obsessed with Oliver’s Labels. I’ve even thought about labeling my stuff!

  2. I hadn’t thought of labels, but I like this idea! I’m going to have to look into this more. Zoe is starting kindergarten this fall.

  3. I love labels! They are so much help to keep track of things and frankly my kids love to see their names on things!

  4. We love Oliver’s Labels! Since enrolling my kids in preschool we now have to label EVERYTHING! The kids love having their name on their clothing and toys and I love knowing they’re coming home with their stuff.

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