Apple Pie Parfaits Recipe

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One of my favorite things about fall is the apple harvest. To me, nothing says, “Autumn” better than the crisp air and warm scent of apples filling the home.


Here is a super easy recipe you can make in a short time to bring home the taste of the season! It can be made and assembled in less than an hour so it is perfect for a quick dessert and is sure to impress kids and company.


To make Apple Pie Parfaits, you will need:

3-4 Granny smith (or other tart apple) apples

1 Cup oats, instant

1 1/2 Cups Brown Sugar

3 Tbsp flour

1 Stick of Butter, unsalted + 4 tbsp Butter

2 Tbsp Cinnamon

1/2 tsp Ground Cloves

1/2 Lemon

Whipped Cream



1. Start by cutting up the apples into eighths. Slice off the core areas and make sure to remove the seeds. You can remove the peels if you like, but I leave them on, personally.


2. Put a stick of butter in a large skillet and melt over medium heat. Add your apples, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1 1/2 Tbsp cinnamon, ground cloves and the juice from 1/2 a lemon in. Cook, covered, over low heat until apples are soft. Make sure to come and move them around the pan to evenly distribute the spices and brown sugar.


3. While your apples are cooking, make your crumble layer. To do this, add 4 Tbsp melted butter into a small bowl. Add 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1 cup oats, 3 Tbsp flour, 1/2 Tbsp Cinnamon. Using your hands, mix well. Place in the fridge for 20-30 minutes.


4. When your apples are cooked, let them cool for about 15 minutes in the fridge. This parfait tastes excellent warm, so don’t cool them too much.

5. Layer your parfaits with apples on the bottom, then crumble some of your oat topping and add more apples and more oat topping. Top with whipped cream and cinnamon and enjoy!

This recipe makes 4 Parfaits.


  1. This looks awesome, looks like a easy recipe I could follow.

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