YumEarth Halloween Candy

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Halloween is less then a month away and it is time to start figuring out what candy to hand out to the little boils and ghouls who come to your home.  The old reliable treats may be OK for some, but you want to leave the Trick Or Treaters with more then a dentist bill in November.   Why not pick up some YumEarth Organic treats, which now include fruit snacks.

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YumEarth are treats which are organic, and as allergen free as possible while still being a sweet and fun treat for kids of all ages.  They are free of artificial colors and flavors, certified organic and do not contain high fructose corn syrup.

When given to kids, they have no idea these treats are less bad for them then regular candies.  The only thing they taste is a sweet treat, that keeps them happy and parents happy as well.


Little Man loves the lollipops and fruit snacks, and he is a self proclaimed connoisseur of lollipops and fruit snacks.

As a bonus, take a look at how the YumEarth fruit snacks are packaged. Hint, they do not use elves or gnomes.

If you are like me, and try to cut out as much junk as you can in your own child’s diet, this is a good alternative to traditional candy while still allowing them to have their sweets.  You can buy them online or in Walgreens stores.

If you would like to win some goodies of your own to try out, please feel free to enter below.

Also, PLEASE READ- because Google thinks short comments are spam, please copy and paste these short lines, or add your own sentences to your answer- “Thanks for the giveaway!  I am excited.  I hope I win the prize. ” Ends Nov. 4, 2013

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. ” I would give them to my kiddos.

  2. I would like to share with my family or my 90 year old lady friend who enjoys sweets

  3. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. I would keep it for me and share it with friends and the bf too 🙂 looks yummy and fun !

  4. with my kiddos I would share these with- and a few friends who would love to try these

  5. sandra davis says

    i would share these with my kids. they would love them. “Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. “

  6. I love YumEarth lollipops, and would love to try some of their fruit snacks and gummi candies. I would keep these for myself, I must admit.

  7. Colleen Maurina says

    These would be for my wonderful grandchildren! I like that these candies are organic.

  8. Dawn Sweeps says

    I would take these to school and share these with my kids.

  9. Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited. I hope I win the prize. I’d keep these for myself and hand them out to trick or treaters

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