Zamboost – For Your Health

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Our bodies are the only ones we get.  There is no replay or do over’s or regrowing parts….yet.  I’m looking at you science- get to it!  In the mean time we need all the help we can get to keep our bodies fighting off infections, virus, bacteria and other little nasties.  One of the most popular and easiest ways to do this is with supplements.  Once of the newest on the market is Zamboost.

pic2Zamboost contains vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Calcium and a proprietary immune system booster.  This booster consists of a backbone made up of two key ingredients, beta glucan and lactoferrin.  These two ingredients help by stimulating immune system pathways and also stimulating and activating the immune system.  So between the two of them, your immune system will have the gears on its bike greased then a push in the right direction.  With the combinations of these two ingredients and a blend of quite a few other healthy nutritious ingredients the boost is subtle and works well.

In addition to the original blend there is also an energy boost blend which has all the benefits of the original plus a kick from vitamin B, Rhodiola Rosea and L-Taurine,  all of which give a steady boost in energy without the caffeine crash we all know too well.

These blends can help out quite a bit when paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise.  All of which will lead to healthy immune system that can help keep you out of bed and pushing harder then ever.  The reason for this?  Why an Olympic hopeful of course.  With their Olympic hopeful daughter in mind, Shannon Leinert and Pat Leinert Sr. developed Zamboost to give their daughter’s immune system a much needed boost for those long track meets.  The story is touching and the outcome is pretty cool.

Zamboost is worth at least trying for a few days, as all our bodies are different and what works for some might not work as well for others.  You can also find out more about them from their BlogTwitter, Facebook,or Lockerdome.


  1. Angela Alpaugh says

    What a great product. Thank you for this review.

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