Joe’s Crab Shack

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Eat At Joe’s!

3 5 14 051

It’s a timeless phrase, and for those of who have eaten at Joe’ s, it will make your mouth water and a smile creep across your face.  Joe’ s Crab Shack has over 120 locations across the country and more springing up everyday.  We recently had the opportunity to Eat At Joe’ s and had a wonderful evening of seafood and fun.

3 5 14 060Joe’ s serves seafood, surprise surprise!  They are best known for their steam pots of crab, seafood, corn and potatoes.  Each pot is themed to a specific taste.  Some examples are The Orleans, which include one pound of craw fish, shrimp and andouille sausage with a  touch of spice.  The Ragin’ Cajun takes the spice up a notch with Pacific Dungeness crab Queen crab, shrimp, and andouille sausage.  The Sam Adams Steam pot takes a pound of clams, lobster claws, and smoked sausage all boiled in a (not spicy at all) Sam Adams lager.  Steam pots are not the only items on the menu, there is a plethora of other options seafood and land loving as well.  From burgers to shrimp platters, there is something for everyone.  There is even a kids menu with seafood and non-aquatic as well.

3 5 14 062We  had the steam pots Sam Adams and The Orleans, both of which were big enough to share- so we did.  Everyone loved the craw fish, and Sam Adams steam pot was perfect to cool off some of the spicy of The Orleans.  I would definitely suggest bringing friends and sharing on your visit and your meal.

3 5 14 046One of the more entertaining portions of the evening was the staff and their dance moves.  As a certain song plays, the staff does a choreographed dance routine.  This routine included just about every staff member and most of them were enjoying it too, we saw plenty of smiles all around.



  1. James Robert says

    I would love going here and my kids are huge seafood fans so taking them would be great

  2. Janet W. says

    The food looks delicious at Joe’ s Crab Shack! I’ve seen the restaurant before when we go to FL but have never eaten there. We’ll have to go there next time we visit!

  3. Sandra VanHoey says

    Oh how good this looks to me and what a great time it looks like y’all had

  4. the crab and corn is amazing! Best experience when you go! Love this place when me and my hubby go. Very fun.

  5. MryJhnsn (@mryjhnsn) says

    I use to work at Joe’s for years – until they closed the doors! *sob sob sob* I danced, every hour, and on the hour every shift! I miss it and the food! Oh the food was always good! And the only place to get dungeness at a fair place in Ohio lol

  6. That sounds like a neat place! I bet the dancing is fun to watch.

  7. Are those deep fried pickles?! I’ve never ate here before but definitely worth stopping by as we love seafood.

  8. Haven’t been to a Joe’s in years! Time to go back!!

  9. Christy Garrett @ Uplifting Families says

    The Joe’s Crabshack that is closest to our house has been closed for temporary renovations for over 6 years now. They have awesome food.

  10. valmg @ From Val's Kitchen says

    I’ve never been to one. They feed you your meal in the pot? How fun!

  11. I’m so jealous! I want to go right now!

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