Sprint Kyocera Hydro Vibe

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kyoI participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Sprint. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and to thank me for participating.

I am a Sprint Ambassador and you will be sharing my experiences testing various Sprint devices and services for the remainder of the year.

Summer is here, and so is the sweltering heat.  The best way to beat this heat is with water.  In all shapes and sizes, from the small wading or kiddie pools in the lawn to bigger pools to the biggest oceans and water parks, they all count.  All are great fun and can be a wonderful way to spend time with your family on a hot day while keeping cool.  However, there is one natural enemy to water- electronics.  Electronics and water are mortal foes and only the most elite (or lucky) items can survive a plunge or splash.  One such item is the new Kyocera Hydro Vibe waterproof 4G LTE smartphone with Sprint, which is made to deal with all your watery days.

The Vibe has the unique characteristic of being able to survive being submerged up to a meter below surface for up to 30 minutes.  This can be superbly helpful in the summer months with trips to the beach or pool seemingly 7 days a week.  Water is everywhere and phones end up in pockets of bathing suits of course moments before a friend pushes you into the pool.  Alternately,  sitting in a beach bag near the towels, when some little rat does a cannonball and soaks everything nearby.  The possibilities are scary to think of but highly possible.  Rotten friends and kids are nothing to worry about with the Vibe- not is the everyday spill across the table where your phone is hanging out or it slipping into the sink while you wash the dishes.  I’m glad they are thinking about making phones waterproof- as they become more a part of our daily lives, they need to be better able to stand up to things.




Not only is the phone waterproof but it is also an Android 4.3, Jelly Bean and has some power under the hood.

Operating system: Android 4.3
Battery information: 2000 mAh
Talk time: 14 hours
Dimensions: 5.01″ X 2.5″ X 0.43″
Display: 4.5″ qHD (540X960) IPS
Weight: 5.29 oz
Processor: 1.2 Ghz Quad Core
Memory: 1.5GB RAM, 8GB ROM
Bluetooth profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, GAVDP, HFP, PBAP, HSP, HID, OPP, MAP, OBEX

The phone is a lot of fun to use and in addition to the minimization of water based summer issues, this also minimizes the ability of ruining your phone while in the bathroom. Mad gross- but like 1/3 of people I know have dropped their phone in the bathroom sink or toilet.  I say there are better places to call or text from- but if you must, at least now you won’t wreak your phone.  (Yeah, I’m looking at you.)

Check out the phone and pick one up now on the  Kyocera Hydro Vibe waterproof 4G LTE smartphone site while the getting is good!


  1. cool phone i love the fact that it can get wet!

  2. I love this phone! It has great features!!!

  3. Mama to 5 BLessings says

    Sounds like a nice phone, my husband is looking for a new Android phone I wonder if he knows about this one.

  4. Little Miss Kate says

    Hubs accidentally took his phone swimming last summer, and we were never able to “revive” it. I should totally look into getting him this one!

  5. Kathleen Kennedy-Leon says

    A water proof phone–that’s what we need in this house for sure-had no idea they were even available-thanks for sharing!!

  6. Jennifer Wagner says

    It looks great and I would love to have a waterproof phone.

  7. waterproof is great, i’m always worried about getting my phone wet

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