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A feast for the eyes as well as the stomach, Medieval Times is a great show that the whole family can enjoy. No worries, the little ones won’t be afraid- the show is very tame (rated G!) while still offering tons of fun and action. Make sure you arrive about an hour early to give yourself ample time to explore the Medieval Village, the only one in the country. Launched in Spain in 1973, and in Kissimmee, Florida just 10 years later, it is widely regarded as the longest running and most popular dinner attraction in North America- and I have to concur. During this 2 hour live performance, you and your family will experience a glace back in time- when knights defended the realm, and chivalry was not dead.
The exhibit showing the clothes and artifacts from the times that the show was based on was not just educational- it was fun, and I highly recommend it. There was a woman making thread and clothing there as well, and my son thought that was the coolest thing. If you have very small children, as I do, I will personally recommend that you turn back when you reach the rooms that exhibit the torture devices. While morbidly fascinating, even non-readers can understand what some things were used for, and there were illustrations. Most were not graphic- but for younglings and those with a weak stomach- skip that area. Areas of interest for everyone will be the stables, pottery, loom/seamstress area, carpentry, metal smith, and more. My son loved the metal smith and carpentry areas the best- he also got a huge kick out of the looms. It really interested him to see how clothes were made and fabrics created. (Who knew?) Other high points from the village were authentic chainmail suits, and fired and even some painted pottery.
On with the show! Eating as most did during the 1500’s (yes, utensil free!) your loyal serfs and wenches will graciously serve soups, breads, chicken, ribs, potato, pastry, and beverages until you are ready to burst. I was so entranced by the show, that I was often forgetting to eat. My son, however, just used his face (who needs a fork?)- and kept his eyes on the brave jousters. We cheered on our knight (everyone will be seated in a color and table- which represents an area and a Knight who will “battle” that evening), were excited when he won, and jeered the dark lord who came to cause trouble in the Kingdom. We watched swordfights, jousts, and games of skill to determine who was the “champion” of the Kingdom, and who would defend it against the presumed evil-doer. Handsome Knights were given flowers by the lovely Princess Catalina, who then gave them to some “lady loves” in the audience. (Note- no matter how small or cute your son is, or how much he tries to get a flower, the knights will not give one to boys. Bring a backup something! LOL- it is Ladies Night at Medieval Times).

The overall winner of the tournament will get to choose a lass who will be the personification of “Beauty and Love” for the evening.

After the show, everyone can go meet the knights, princess, king- and even the villain for photos and autographs. To get tickets, call 1-800- WE-JOUST or go to www.MedievalTimes.com.
I would love to take my kids to see this show. My sister went once and said she loved it. I just think it would be a great event for the family to attend.
Throughout the years as a mom of four, The Lyndhurst Castle in New jersey has often been a class trip destination. However, last month we went as a family. My husband two sons 18, 21 & our little girl. She’s 6 & to our surprise a magical moment occurred, the Yellow Winning a Night chose her as Queen. With tears in our eyes we watched as she literally shook with excitement, she couldn’t even speak! The love of the Castle staff, the kindness of other patrons truly created a beautiful life long memory, not only for our daughter but our family as well.
Upon returning home, our daughter asked to put her picture tiara sash & flag on the entertainment center for all to see.
thats so sweet