Vtech For Summer Travel

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As we all know Summer time is trip time, be it down the street to Grandma’s house or across the ocean for vacation. There are a few similarities between all trips taken. One of which is boredom of the little ones. Back seat or a row up on a plane either way the most dreaded phrase uttered during the Summer is, “I’m bored.” This leads to noise and frustration and if siblings are involved added aggravation.

6 11 14 017V-Tech is here to help a bit with some nifty new toys for children of many different ages. We are going to look at just a few in the growing range kid’s electronics and educational toys.

First up are for our smaller ones are the Monkey Band Music Center and the Spinning Tunes Music Player both are for ages 6 to 36 months. The Monkey Band Center teaches children about music instruments with filly animal characters in an interactive format where kids play on piano keys and a beat a drum. There are two sing along songs and ten melodies to keep your kids interested and having fun. The Spinning Music Player is more along the lines of a boom box for little ones. It plays over 55 fun noises, including songs, melodies, sounds and phrases. All the while teaching music instruments and sounds as well as animals and music itself. The Monkey Band Music Center retails for #13.99 and the Spinning Tunes Music Player retails for $10.99.

Up next for the bigger kids are the Write and Learn Touch Tablet and the KidiKaraoke Both of which are for ages 3-6. Along the same musical theme the KidiKaraoke features 15 child center songs as well as 5 games, and 4 voice changing effects. The unit itself lets kids put on their own music show along with flashing lights and animations playing on the screen. It’s a great toy for little outgoing kids who want to put on a show. Now we are going to jump to the more technological geared toys first up the write and learn touch tablet which teaches kids about letters, words, reading and spelling. Of which are taught with fun characters, 19 animated stores, and 6 learning activities. But the tablet is not only for learning but also sports a drawing application for those masterful artists in your life. The KidiKaraoke retails for $24.99 and the Write and Learn Touch Tablet retails for $19.99.

pic5To round out our Summer Boredom Buster we have some software for the Innotab and the new Switch & Go Dinos Turbo T-Rex Launcher. Both of which are for ages 3-9. The Innotab itself is a child friendly tablet geared to little ones and features software with various topics and characters to guide your child through their learning experience. The most recent additions to the software line are Learn to Write with Cody & Cora and Go! Go! Smart Wheels® Busy Day in Alphabet Town, letting kids explore exciting content and open up new worlds of learning. And last but not least is the Switch & Go T-Rex Launcher which includes one Switch & Go T-Rex that shifts from familiar dinosaur to road tearing race car. There is also a launcher included that kids can pick how fast, or slow they want their racer to zip by. The launcher itself is even a T-Rex mouth so the robotic dinosaur fun is ever expanding. The launcher works with other Switch & Go Dinosaurs as well. The Innotab cartridges retail for $24.99 each and the Switch & Go Dinos Turbo T-Rex Launcher retails for $14.99.


  1. Laura @Travelocafe says

    Such a great solution for the long and short car trips. Grownups have their gadgets, why should kids not have theirs.

  2. vickie couturier says

    that looks like fun,,I love vtech poducts for the grandkids espically when traveling

  3. I love our VTech toys but more importantly so does my kiddo.

  4. Rebecca Swenor says

    This is great for many things. It can be used for trips and sitting in doctors office even. Thanks for sharing.

  5. how perfect for long car rides

  6. VTech is a favorite in our house (for baby monitors, phones, and kid toys). I have never tried their children’s tablet though, and I would like to (try it).

  7. Mama to 5 BLessings says

    My kids have the Innotab and they love it. It is so educational and great for on the go!

  8. Mistee Dawn says

    Looks like the perfect tool for my daughter. She really needs this for long car trips we will take the rest of this year.

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