Mario Kart 7

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And now, for a timely Mario Kart 7 review. Sure this review is taking place after Mario Kart 8, but something to keep in mind is that this is the 3DS’s Mario Kart, not the Wii U. So instead of huge races with tons of characters red shelling each other, you have tight turns and blood thirsty Princesses on your morning train ride.

20140919_171459Nintendo have made a new Mario Kart for every console and one of their most recent is Mario Kart 7 for the 3DS. This game sports more tracks, easy multiplayer over the internet, and a bunch of characters to zip around tracks with. As an avid Mario Kart fan, but not a very good racer, I thoroughly enjoy Mario Kart with every iteration. The fun, light hearted racing can go from item using fun at break neck speeds to nail biting close finishes in a matter of moments. Never in any series of games have I cursed so many times at so many cute characters.

Mario Karts premise is easy to pick up and play, but takes many hours to master. Race around the track in record time, while using various items and drifting to speed up and disable other racers. With such a simple premise, Nintendo has made a fun sit down and play game which is great to grab and go. When you have a free few minutes, it’s great to squeeze in a quick race which is particularly easy with a hand held portable console. The tracks are varied from brand new tracks to classics, which will appease the Karter in all of us. Particularly fun are the tracks that have special 3D effects, like falling leaves from a Maple to slowly falling snow. The effects are interesting and cause no slowdown on the system at all. This game is a perfect pickup in addition to a new system this holiday season.


Mario Kart 7 retails for $29.99 and is available at fine stores everywhere including the Nintendo eShop.


  1. mario kart is awesome.
    now i just have to unlock all the hidden characters

  2. that looks like a fun game

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