Beautiful Baltic Amber Jewelry

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amber necklace

I love to wear fun jewelry- I don’t wear tons of it, but when I do, I like what I DO choose to wear to be something a little different.  Something a little special and that will stand out a bit.

It’s nice to have a little something to make your outfits pop, something that makes you feel special and pretty. There is a great online shop called Spark of Amber ( They sell beautiful, hand-crafted Baltic Amber jewelry for all ages.

Baltic Amber jewelry is very unique, and something not found everywhere. Spark of Amber obtains all their Baltic Amber beads directly from Lithuania, where the finest Amber is found.  When I was younger, I spent some time in Lithuania, and they are indeed very proud of their amber, and it is some of the best in the world. I have some really fond memories of my time there, which makes me like this necklace even more.  But I digress.

It’s really pretty, and since it is natural, raw Baltic amber that closes with a screw clasp within the beads, those of us with metal allergies/sensitivities don’t need to worry about skin issues.  (When I wear metal for long periods, I get rashes on my skin.  I have a friend who, when she wears metal jewelry, either has her skin OR the jewelry turn green.  Either way, not fun.)  The all- amber necklaces make problems like this null and void.  The necklace I am wearing, “The Serenity“, combines amber with Black Tourmaline and Lepidolite.  The designers created this necklace to promote a calming and a peaceful spirit. This beautiful necklace is designed especially for teens and adults who struggle with attention, focus, and hyper-activity.  The elements are thought to have a calming effect. 

If you are interested in picking up one of your own, or seeing what else they have to offer, head to Spark of Amber at and see what strikes your fancy.

Make sure you follow their social media channels as well-

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  1. I love amber jewelry. I try to buy a new piece every few years.

  2. I love baltic amber! my daughter wears one for teathing and i have been looking for one to help with my headaches.

  3. My first thought is that it looks delicious! Similar colors! Looks great on you!

  4. Kim Croisant says

    That’s a unique piece of jewelry that looks very pretty on you.

  5. Very pretty colors, and it’s not the sort of thing you see every day. I like it!

  6. what a pretty necklace
    i love amber

  7. i love that, so pretty

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