Win a Wash ‘n Zip Dog Bed

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I am sure by now you have all seen about a zillion photos of our newest addition, Cooper.  Cooper is new, 2 and a half years old, and hails from NYC. He’s had a rough start, coming to us with a previously undiagnosed illness (fun surprise there!) but is settling in.

Cooper likes to snuggle.  He is above laying on the floor- I can tell you I have never seen him sit on a hardwood, laminate, or tile floor- he will condescend to sitting on the carpet, but he won’t lay there.  For a shelter dog, he sure is persnickety!

Cooper thinks he needs to be on the couch if we are- which is tricky, because there’s not a whole lot of room if we are already on the couch. If it’s just one person, sure, or me and the kiddo.  But not if there’s more.  Enter the new Wash ‘n Zip dog bed.

washable dog bed

The bed in it’s smallest size.

The Wash’nZip Pet Bed is made of sheets of batting which are sewn into the outer seams and box stitched.  This assures that the interior filling won’t shift and the dog bed will always hold its’ shape, no matter which size you fold it into (you can make it a few sizes, which is pretty cool).  You can double it over and make it a small mat, open it up and make it full size, or unzip it and it becomes a blanket or a couch or carseat cover.

pet bed

Full sized (fully open, but not “blanket”).

Another cool thing about this bed is that you can unzip it, and in it’s “blanket” form, it is machine washable.  Really!  This is awesome, because even if your pet is potty trained, they all have accidents now and again (plus it’s just nice to wash them and get the dog smell out sometimes!) It’s perfect for older pets who are starting to have some “issues”, too.

I love that it unzips and can be used for travel.  As we travel often, we will be able to utilize that, and it will come in handy.  I can honestly say I have never seen a dog bed this versatile.  It also comes in several colors and sizes, so you can choose the one that works for you.

Washing the bed is easy.  Zipping and unzipping it is easy.  It is made of durable material, has layers of cushion, and a heavy duty, quality zipper.  This is made to last.
Check out the video to see more!

One of you can win one of your own! Please feel free to use the RC form to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I want to win this for my friend. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  2. kris mihalov says

    O wpild love to win for my furbaby George

  3. Jerry Marquardt says

    I want to win this for Fluffy, the Samoyed next door; my neighbor helps me so much, that I would finally like to help her out for a change.

  4. I would love it for my kids. It would be very handy.

  5. Michelle Tucker says

    I’d love to win this for my neighbors dogs. She just adopted a new dog and she (the new adoptee) needs a new bed to lay on. 🙂

  6. Donna Kellogg says

    I want to win this for my daughters dog she loves it when she gets new things no matter what it is.

  7. Melanie Comello says

    I oh so badly need to win this for my Corgi mix Loki. He’s wreaking havoc on my carpet in front of my bed….Nesting!! Maybe this bed would make the difference for him and my flooring lol.

  8. Laurie Emerson says

    I would like to win this for our Rusty. He would absolutely love this bed!

  9. Buddy Garrett says

    I want to win it for Princess our Shih Tzu. We also have Hershey another Shih Tzu and Rocky a chihuahua.

  10. I want to win this for my dog, Curious George Beast Mode. He would love this, thanks for the chance to win.

  11. Trisha McKee says

    I have three bulldogs, and I want to win this for them, but especially for the youngest. He is a year old and he is the largest at 100 pounds. He misses his bed so this would be great. Hope I win!

    tridingermckee at gmail dot com

  12. Sherry Conrad says

    This would be for my oldest rescue, Lady. Her bed is a bit worn and she has been such an awesome addition to our family she deserves all the comfort we can give her.

  13. I want to win this for my dog Charlie. I am excited! I hope I win the prize.

  14. Peggy Rydzewski says

    Because we have a 12 year old lab that still loves to roll over in the snow or dirt and she comes into the house a mess sometimes. But we still love her..

  15. Our dog, Ike, needs his own bed. Usually, he is sleeping up against me in my bed. Every time I toss and turn, it wakes him up. Or, when he tosses and turns, he wakes me up. I like the fact that these beds come in a variety of sizes. Plus, you can wash them. I would really like to win this for our buddy!

  16. Coriander Warren says

    I would love to win this prize for one of my 4 dogs. We have 2 beds—had 3 but they decided one did not need to exist and they pretty much ate it… we’re in need of more!

  17. I would love to win this for my dog Julius. He is could use a new bed.

  18. Teresa Spears says

    I believe my little yorkie, Hercules, would love to lounge around on the Wash n’ Zip Pet bed. He loves to snuggle up in the covers. I would love to have this! I hope I win this prize.

  19. Melissa Shirley says

    I would love to win this for my dog Sonic. He is a new dog that i rescued from the animal shelter and he loves sleeping in my bed. He is a cover stealer and he needs his WON bed.

  20. rebecca day says

    I would love to win this for my dog luka he chewed up his last bed and now is sleeping on a old blanket

  21. Lyndsey Rullman says

    I would love to win this for my roommate’s doggie. He really needs a bed. He sleeps on a bunch of blankets right now and his food is always getting mixed in with the blankets.

    lyndsey.rullman at hotmail dot com

  22. connie black says

    I want this for my girl Daisy May. She is a wise old girl at the age of 13 and this would feel amazing on her aging bones.!! #lovemydog

  23. We have become the neighborhood dog sitters. This will be for all of them. Thanks so much for the chance to win it.

  24. I am excited, I hope I win this prize for my dog, she would enjoy having a new bed.

  25. Rachel Freer says

    I would love to win this for my father-in-law’s dog, sniffles. She is 17 years old and lays on a towel because she hates the big poofy beds. I think this would be perfect for her (and much more comfortable).

  26. Unzipped, it might actually be large enough that at least 2 of the dogs could use it together, and since they are Great Danes, that would be a good indication of the size. The smallest, a Chi-weenie, usually sleeps on a folded blanket pad, and doesn’t even really try to be anywhere near the others–understandable probably!

  27. I am hoping to win this for my dog Max. I love that it is washable!

  28. Monica Frazier says

    I would love to win this for my dog Zane!!

  29. I’d give this to my mom’s toy poodle, Kyra, I’m sure she’d prefer it to the floor haha

  30. Kathy Pease says

    I would love to win this for our dog Duke..I am excited! I hope I win the prize

  31. jeffrey Molnar says

    I want to win this for my newly rescued puppy Jax. He would absolutely love this

  32. Jennifer Herman says

    I would like this so that I can have it for my dog. It looks like a nice bed.

  33. Wendy McBride says

    I want to win this for Puddin’ my Pitbull and Karli my Chihuahua/Terrier mix. They are so sweet and like to lay close to each other to sleep.

  34. My friend is getting a new companion dog from the pound. This will be her first dog, and the dog bed would be perfect for the new family member. Thanks for the giveaway!
    qhuinnb at hotmail dot com

  35. I would love to win this for my dog, Aspen.

  36. I want to win this for my dog Mischa, who is old and can’t get up on the couch anymore. I am excited I hope I win the prize.

  37. I want to win for my Doxies, Zoey and Paisley

  38. Stephanie Larison says

    I would like to win this for our beagle, Belle. I think she’d love it!

  39. I want to win this for one of my doggies. She is picky about where she sleeps, and she sometimes likes to find a quite place away from everyone else.

  40. Cálaeb Temple says

    i’d like to win it for my girl’s dog. i am excited! i hope i win the prize.

  41. I would like to win this for my cats: Wicket, Presto, Petra, and Kali Malicious. We don’t have central heat, so in the winter (even though we’re in Florida), they end up huddled together for warmth. One day, we got home from work and I saw a lump on the couch under a lap blanket; it was Kali. So, I know they’d really enjoy this bed.
    I am excited! I hope I win the prize!

  42. I would like to win this for my 16 year old Italian Greyhound Tabitha. She needs more comfort at her age.

  43. Kayci Stanley says

    I would like to win this dog bed for my dogs. I have two small dogs. Puff is a little poodle mix and Farnsworth is a little pekingese mix.

  44. I would love this for my furry baby!

  45. My little girl Charley Belle would love this! She loves sleeping on my bed pillows at night so I could fold it up. During the day she wraps her self up in blankets so I can unzip it for her to burrow in. This is great!

  46. Stephanie Galbraith says

    I would like to win this for my buddy Killer, he would love to lay around on one of these.

  47. I would love to win this for my parents dog. Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. Ronda Patrick says

    We have two dogs and I would LOVE to win this since we only have one bed currently and one will lie on the bare floor. THey will love it. Thanks for the chance!

  49. Jennifer Lleras says

    I need this because our dog just ate her bed.. that’s right I said ate her bed. Our dog has consumed, crapped out and survived eating an entire dog bed.

  50. For my hound mix.

  51. I’d love this for my puppy, Logan. I love that it’s machine washable because he still has a few accidents. I am excited! I hope I win the prize.

  52. Jacquelyn Burns says

    I would like to win this for our dog “Rascal”. He’s a 10 lb. Cockapoo.

  53. I am excited! I hope I win the prize! I would love to win this for my puppy Charlie. He would love a new bed!! and a washable one sounds awesome 🙂

  54. My dogs very much want me to win a new bed for them. The cat has overtaken their old bed and will not allow them onto it. They have been forced to lay on the hard floor as kitty sprawls out in the middle of a very large bed. (At one point the bed fit 3 small dogs…now it fits one cat.) Carter and Molly are keeping their paws crossed! 😉

  55. I have a lab and cane corso. Being these dogs love to play outside and get dirty, this bed is great because it’s easy to wash.

  56. Rolly – the Old English Sheepdog =) I am excited! I hope I win the prize!

  57. Terry Cover says

    My 5 year old recovery dog. We owe that boy a lot, just hard to put into words a dog that helped you to recover except that is my pal.

  58. I want to win this for my four kitties who would love to have a bed of their very own to share.

  59. Carol Godfrey says

    I would like to win this for my furchildren! They are Great Pyrenees rescue dogs.

  60. Linda Bradshaw says

    I would love to win this for my sisters baby 🙂 She would appreciate having it.

  61. laurie murley says

    I want to win this for my two dogs they like to lay together so I need something large for them to lay on

  62. Theresa Smith says

    I want to win this for my dog Amy. She was used to sleeping on our bed but now she can’t get up on it. We have put a blanket on the floor for her which she does lay on but this would be so much better. It is great that it is washable.

  63. melissa Resnick says

    my dog maximus, who is a amazing 10 month old lab.

  64. Linda Lansford says

    I am excited! I hope I win the prize. I want this for my dog Cloee.

  65. Marilyn Nawara says

    I would like to win this for my dog Queenie who is a very smart Border Collie. She sleeps in her bed every night right next to my bed and it is getting a little flat — could use a new one.

  66. Jennifer Reed says

    I want to win this for my wonderful dog Cody. He would love to have his own bed to sleep on. We keep a small bed in the house but a newer version would be awesome. I hope I win!

  67. My doggies would love this. I am excited! I hope I win the prize”. Thank you

  68. This nice dog bed would be for my daughters little dog named Dallas, she tore up her other bed not too long ago-

  69. I’d love this for my beagle/corgi mix pup. He loves anything comfy.

  70. Cori Westphal says

    I don’t have a dog, but I have two kitties who leave hair everywhere! I’d love to have somewhere they could lay that was easy to wash!

  71. I am commenting to win a dog bed for Rosie

  72. Julie Murphy says

    I have 5 dogs to win for.

  73. Jazmin Ward says

    I want to win this for my pit bull Blaze. He’s always looking for a comfy spot somewhere.

  74. Dierdra Byrd says

    I want to win this for my puppy that I am trying very hard to teach to not sit on the couch! I made the mistake of spoiling him a bit to much at first and now I can’t keep him off of the couch! LOL

  75. Dawn Monroe says

    Id like to win for our older dog who is starting to slow down and likes to have something soft to lay on.

  76. ron frampton says

    I want to win this for my dog sassey.

  77. I want to win for doggie Beau,. I hope we win

  78. Lauren Olivia Wood says

    My Bichon Frise needs a bed! She hates sleeping on anything but clean laundry! She needs this so badly!!!

  79. I love how easy and practical this is. My dog would LOVE this. He’s always looking for somewhere comfy to lay.

  80. I want to win this for myself, well actually for my dog. I am excited! I hope I win the prize

  81. Lori Walker says

    I want to win this for my dogs Jade and Kayla. I am excited! I hope I win the prize.

  82. Steve Stone says

    I would love to win this for my dog jake. he is getting older and would love this.

  83. my dog

  84. Daniel Scott says

    I want to win this for our dog Artie, a golden retriever/Alaskan Malamute mix that we adopted about 2 years ago. We enjoy spoiling him and would love to win this bed.

  85. Alyce Poalillo says

    ” I am excited! I hope I win the prize”. I want to win it for my friend Bruce’s rescue dog App.

  86. Jennifer Williams says

    I am excited! I hope I win the prize. My little Griffin will love it!

  87. paige chandler says

    Petals the pug want this so bad! Woof Woof

  88. I’d like to win this for my friend’s big handsome dog.

  89. I would like to win this for my Dad’s puppy.

  90. rickel bart says

    i have two dogs that would love this bed—they could fight over it!

  91. Danielle Clucas says

    I would love to win this for my dog Bexar! He has a bed in my bedroom and one in the office. I would put this in the living room. He loves to lounge around wherever mommy is.

  92. I would like to win this for my little alien pug. He loves new toys and special gifts. I am excited! I hope I win the prize. 🙂

  93. Nicole Lancaster says

    I want to win this for my two Dachshunds Lexi and Tucker. They really need a new bed, theirs stinks. Thanks for the giveaway.

  94. Heather Duquaine says

    I am excited! I hope I win the prize and my doggies will love it. I will be keeping this for my dogs, I have three but I am sure that my cats will steal it on them lol

  95. aaron reck says

    I am excited! I hope I win the prize. Skamp wants to win. He’s a short little dog that I love. He’s about 5 years old and still acts like a puppy. Skamp is Spoiled rotten and that’s just the way I love my pet. Where’s he’s so small he gets cold and shivers.

  96. Rosie LaVertue says

    How awesome for these cold winter nights good luck to all

  97. I am excited! I hope I win the prize! I want to win this for my moms dog. She is constantly trying to wash her dogs bedding and it takes forever to dry out. This would make washing so much easier!

  98. I would like to win this for my dog. She needs a new bed. Thanks for the chance

  99. Rebecca Parsons says

    We have three dogs and I am sure they would enjoy a nice comfy bed to sleep on. I love that it is really easy to clean the bed.

  100. My corgi mix- BOOMER would be the awesome recipient if I were to win this prize. That would be his dream bed. Right now he has a smelly ol’ blanket that he has grown out of.

  101. I would love this for my dog Rocky. We like to travel with him, and it would be great to take along with us.

  102. Richard Hicks says

    I want to win this for my brother as a surprise. He has a large Akita whose bed is about worn out!

  103. Barbara Fox says

    I would love to win this for my dog, eMaggie. She has been a foster “mom” to over 70 puppies over the years and they have played havoc on her beds. I’m sure she would appreciate a large one of these.

  104. Kim Keithline says

    I would love to win this for my two dogs dexter and blue they would love it

  105. My MIL just got a dog to sleep in her laundry room and stay in the house and this would be great

  106. robyn paris says

    I have two dogs, Sid and Oliver. Sid is a larger dog and Oliver is a tiny lap dog. With that said I would love to win this for Sid, he is the one who loves dog beds.

  107. I would love to win this for my dog Chade

  108. I want to win this for my two dogs. I know one of them would like it, and when that happens, the other one will want it just for the principle.

  109. Cathy Truman says

    I would love to win this bed for my dog Bailey, he needs a new bed and this
    would be perfect for him he loves blankets. Thanks for the chance to win

  110. I want to win this for one of my three dogs! They’d love it!!

  111. I want to win this for my dog. She loves laying on anything soft and comfortable.

  112. Mary Casper says

    I want to win this for my golden retrievers, I have three, Stormy, Skylar and Dreamer. They would either share it or fight over it

  113. addrienne mertens says

    I am excited! I hope I win the prize.
    i would keep it for our large doggy Q.. hes a German shepard. hes been with us for a year in March.

  114. I would love this for my dog, Daisy

  115. I want to win this for my puppygirl Freckles. She would love a new bed!

  116. Susan Christy says

    My sweet dog Foxy needs a new bed. She’s the best dog ever except for the shedding, so being able to wash this bed is a bonus!

  117. Ellie Wright says

    I am excited! I hope I win the prize. My dogs, Bentley and Paisley, would love it.

  118. I want to win this for my golden retriever nitsa. She is getting older and needs anew bed that’s easy to clean

  119. Jan Roberts says

    Their very own dog bed is a new experience for many of my fosters. Once they realize it’s “theirs” they are just over the moon! Doggie beds really seem to give them a sense of security and helps them adjust faster. They form such attachments to their beds that I often send it off when them to their new home when they get adopted.(which means that I am constantly on the hunt for more beds!) This prize would be enjoyed by many four-legged cuties!

  120. I want to win this for my dog, Hunter. He is a rescue from a high kill shelter. He is a cocker/springer spaniel mix and is so cute!

  121. Leigh Anne Borders says

    I would love to win this for my dog Tyler. He likes to sleep on beds due to a skin condition he has. This would be perfect since it is washable.

  122. I would love to win this for my dog Max.

  123. My daughter just adopted a dog. I know she would love to have this for her new baby “Piper”
    Thanks! I hope I win!

  124. Sylvia White says

    ” I am excited! I hope I win the prize” I would like to win this for my dog Lizzy

  125. Laura DeLuca says

    I would love to win this for my dog. She really needs a new bed.

  126. I would like to win this for my son’s dog Sweetie. I am excited! I hope I win the prize.

  127. kelly tupick says

    I would love to win this for my dog Dora. She is getting older and she loves being wrapped up in blankets and has taken over every throw blanket in the house. I love that this is machine washable as well.

  128. Terra Heck says

    I’d like to win this for my dog, Helen. I think she’d like it.
    I am excited! I hope I win the prize

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