The Amazing Formula Pro-Must Have

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Disclosure: The Formula Pro was provided for me in order to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance to FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” tab for more information.

Having a baby means lots of time making bottles. If you choose to be a Formula Mother I have the perfect item for you to help make your life a little bit easier. The Formula Pro from Baby Brezza is a great solution for many problems.

About Baby Brezza:

At Baby Brezza, their goal is to make mealtime for infants and toddlers a breeze with unique, innovative product designs and functions that will enhance the lives of busy moms, dads, and caretakers. Whether giving babies their first bites of solid food, or feeding that all important middle-of-the-night bottle.They hope to help parents and caregivers share the joy of mealtime with their children.

About Formula Pro:

With the Formula Pro you can now say goodbye to the time and hassle of manually preparing baby’s bottles. The Formula Pro uses patented technology to measure, dispense, and mix water and powdered formula to the perfect temparature consistency. With the push of a button, you can prepare a bottle within seconds that has no air bubbles. The water and formula powder are stored in right in the machine, so it is always ready for you when your baby gets hungry. The machine works with all bottle sizes and all formula brands and types. You can also choose to make a 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 ounce bottle.


  • No Measuring or Mixing
  • Patented mixing technology: mixes formula powder and water to perfect consistency without air bubbles
  • Temperature Control-Heated to near body temperature
  • Airtight formula storage
  • Removable water tank
  • Works with all bottles


My Thoughts:

I was incredibly impressed with the Formula Pro. I personally breastfed my girls when they were babies, but I have taken care of many babies throughout the years that were formula babies. I only had to experience making formula bottles for a short period of time, but I can tell you that it seemed to take up a great deal of time, especially when those babies were little. When those kiddos are little sleep and cuddle time is so important. Who wants to spend all of their time making and warming bottles? This formula pro is absolutely amazing. I can’t tell you how cool I really think that it is. With the push of a button you can get the bottle made and ready without having to take time away from all the other important things going on in your life.

I would have loved this product for using just the few times that I was taking care of children that were formula fed. I can’t imagine how life saving and amazing this product would be for people that solely use formula.

This would be a must have item for new moms and current moms that have children on formula.


If you are interested in purchasing the Formula Pro, head on over to this website and find a perfect spot to purchase it for that baby in your life.


  1. nicole dziedzic says

    I would have loved to have this when my kids where babies, this Formula Pro would have saved the say on so many occasions, sure would be a good baby shower gift for a newbie mom.

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