Three mistakes parents can make when it comes to early childhood education

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It’s natural for a parent to want the best for their child. A big part of this is making sure they get the education they need. These days more and more emphasis is placed on the importance of early childhood education when it comes to helping a child navigate successfully through their school career. The question is, what mistakes could you be making as a parent, when it comes to the early childhood education of your child?

If you want your child to have the best start then one of the best places for them to get this is in a center for child development. Your child can get expert help, from trained professionals, to enable them to develop their skills and confidence. That’s not all there is to it though. Parental involvement is also a very important feature of early childhood education. The problem is that parents can make mistakes; we are going to take a look at three common ones.

Living through your child

You need to remember that your child is not you and they never will be. You should not expect them to do things in life just because you want them to. You should also not expect them to be good at something just because you were as a child. Early childhood education is partly about helping your child to learn what they are good at and assisting them to develop that skill. This is not going to happen effectively if you are constantly trying to mould your child into being a mini you.

Emphasizing academics

Academics can be very important but they are not the be all and end all; especially not when your child is very young. If you start trying to push academics at your child too soon then you run the risk of putting them off altogether. They could feel overwhelmed. There is also the chance that your child is just not an academic type of person, and they should never be made to feel inadequate because of that. Early childhood education is all about developing your child’s confidence and cognitive skills so that they are more able to deal with the potential academic and lifestyle challenges that lie ahead.

Being over protective

It’s a natural instinct of a parent to be protective. The problem is that some parents have a tendency to be over protective. You may be wondering what this has to do with education but the truth is that a considerable amount of your child’s learning comes from them making mistakes in life. If you are constantly overseeing what your child does and helping them to avoid mistakes, they are not going to learn useful lessons. Obviously, you have to keep an eye on your child, but even young children need to have some level of freedom and responsibility.

All three of these mistakes are commonly made by parents. They are not usually made deliberately but they can be damaging to a child. Think about it, are you making any of these mistakes right now?


  1. Maryann D. says

    This is all super information. I know that I am sure I was over protective. A good point is also that you need to remember that your child is not you and they never will be. I do agree with that.


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