Follow – new app for travel and roadtrips

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Have you ever been tasked with going someplace new, or had to follow behind another car to go someplace? (Meaning you had to follow another person driving?)  This can be a stressful situation for both parties.  Red lights, other drivers, pedestrians, re-fueling.  All this can lead to losing the other person getting lost, and in general can be cumbersome and down right unnerving.  Luckily, there is a new app called Follow, where it is easy to set up each person as the leader or follower and have others follow or lead you to your destination.

With both map based GPS locations and an audible notice when the trip changes, it is easy to follow or lead your trips.  This is great for short trips and long road trips as well.  Instead of being right on the leader car’s bumper, it is now possible to follow a safe distance away (even if other cars get in between you as you drive) while still getting to your final destination on time.  The app is breeze to use and after registering, makes for some fun trips with friends.  This is perfect for a group of friends in high school just learning how to drive in an area, a real estate agent trying to bring clients to more then one house, some friends going on a trip, or even out of town relatives who you are trying to show around a bit.  No matter what the reason, this app is very helpful.  Best part is it is is free to download.  If you want to have more then one follower, there is a 0.99 upgrade fee.  Follow allows you the ability to assign yourself or another as a leader and invite users to be followers.  It also gives you instant alerts when leader changes course.  It offers  hands-free navigation with verbal directions, and even easily turn off follow tracking for user safety.

Follow is available now on the Play store and the iOS store as well.

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