A simple guide to traveling with children

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Having kids shouldn’t stop anybody from traveling. In fact, it should inspire you to travel more. Giving your children the experience of seeing the world is invaluable in their memories. If you’re lucky enough to be able to do so, you should!

However, as with anything you do with your children, safety is always a priority. Ensuring your children are safe while exploring a new city may be anxiety inducing. With these simple tips, you should be able to put your fears at ease and enjoy the experience.

It’s unrealistic to think that you need to plan everything down to the smallest detail. Micro managing is no fun. You don’t need to work out your airport parking two months ahead of time. Enjoy a little spontaneity; just be prepared along the way.

It’s important to consider where in the world you’re going. Some places aren’t child appropriate. And that’s okay! There are just as many places around the world that are perfect for kids. Consider the age of your children, what activities you’re intending to do and how easy the place will be to navigate – dependant on your kids and their needs. This is easy. You know your children and you know what they need to be happy while away.

Accidents can happen anywhere. That’s why it’s important to have a plan in case things do go wrong. Ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance. Make sure that your children know what to do if they get lost. That includes having phone numbers to call, and possible tracking on their mobiles (if they have one).

Teach your children about appropriateness for when you travel. Is the country you’re visiting specific in their customs? Do they have a heavy emphasis on respect? Ensure you adopt the “when in Rome” attitude and make sure your kids are aware of this.

Keep all important documents on you at all times. Have photos of your children ready on your mobile and hard copies too. In some countries you should always keep your passport on your person. Keep yourself safe by being prepared for the worst case scenario. Chances are, nothing bad is going to happen. But it’s better to be prepared, you could save yourself a lot of trouble.

There’s a tonne of information available online that will help you prepare for your family holiday. The better prepared you are, the more relaxed you will be and the better experience you will all have. These experiences will be treasured by your kids for the rest of their lives. Enjoy it!

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