Avoid Getting Sick While Traveling With These Four Tips

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No one likes getting sick, but feeling under the weather is even worse if you’re on vacation. Especially if it means you have to take time out of your trip to visit the doctor and get a prescription.

If you want to enjoy your vacation as much as possible, you have to avoid getting sick in the first place. Here are four tips that will help you do just that.

Reduce Stress as Much as Possible Before, During, and Immediately After Your Trip

Stress is a frustratingly common problem before, during, and immediately after a trip. Unfortunately, prolonged or chronic stress can lower your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness.

Reduce stress by:

  • Not overbooking yourself the day before or after your trip
  • Planning out the logistics of how you’re getting there and how you’re getting home
  • Giving yourself plenty of time to pack
  • Leaving work at home—don’t check email or voicemail while you’re away

Wash Your Hands

Of course you should wash your hands! However, this piece of advice is even more important when you’re on vacation.

While you’re away from home, you will be coming in contact with strange germs and bacteria that your body may not be prepared for, especially if you’re traveling outside the country. Wash your hands many times a day and bring along hand sanitizer for when a sink isn’t available.

Drink Plenty of Water

When you’re on vacation, you may be tempted to live it up a little, which means leaving healthy habits at the door. Ordering a few mixed drinks and trying a new soda won’t cause a lot of problems, but you should really focus on drinking water as much as you can.

Not only can water ensure you’re fully hydrated, it can help with congestion, and it can help you bounce back more quickly if you are feeling a little under the weather. Just make sure you drink filtered or purified water. Tap water in some areas can actually make you sick.

Get Plenty of Sleep

It’s easy to skimp on the sleep when it comes to your vacation. You may lose sleep beforehand worrying about the vacation itself, and you may lose sleep while you’re on vacation as you try and see as much as you can before you leave.

Sleep can enhance stress and lower your immune system, which in turn will increase your odds of getting sick while you’re away from home. Plan to get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, even if it means sleeping in a little in the morning because you were out later than usual the night before.

Don’t shy away from taking naps either! Even if it takes an hour out of your afternoon, a nap can provide you with a healthy energy boost.

Don’t get stuck coughing and sniffling on your next vacation! With these tips, you and your family will be in perfect health so you can enjoy every second of your time away from home.

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