Why Traveling the World Should Be on Your Bucket List

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When someone starts talking about their bucket list, it’s usually referring to the list of things they want to do before they die, the proverbial “kick the bucket.” While this list is generally created towards the end of one’s life, we’d like to present the option of spreading it out a bit. Setting smaller goals that allow you to accomplish things on a day to day basis, or experience new things each week or each month are going to make for a much more fulfilling life than cramming it all in at the end. Also, consider that many of the things you want to do may not be possible later on, so it’s best to take advantage of the opportunity that now holds.

Some of the most common bucket list items are influenced by speaking to those nearing their end, and what they see as regrets. These regrets are often over things they didn’t do. This doesn’t mean they wish they had thought to invest in a better quality mattress, noticed the signs of gastroenterology issues sooner, or they wish they had known the risk factors of gingivitis. These can be regrettable, but they aren’t what make up what should have been done on the bucket list. The regrets that often end up on the bucket list are more large-scale regrets, like not having pursued an education, or not having explored more of the earth.

Sometimes it’s hard to pin down these regrets and things to do on the bucket list because most people don’t have any idea of what they actually want to do yet. However, a goal that isn’t written down is just a wish. If you reverse this, think on all the things you’re wishing for, and that’ll provide an excellent starting point for your list.

One thing that’s easy to put on that list, and dare we say one that ought to be near the top, and a recurring activity, is to travel the world. Whether that’s touring the city of Kuala Lumpur or getting new backpacking gear to hike the trails of the Andes mountains in South America , traveling is a truly rewarding experience. There are numerous reasons besides the fact that it’s cool and everyone has it on their bucket list. This is one time when it’s definitely okay to share the popular opinion.



  • Learning. The natural curiosity and drive to learn that we are born with is inevitably stamped out, or at the very least molded for specific paths as we grow up. However, the need to learn is something that should be encouraged and celebrated. Telling ourselves to be content with what we know now is so boring and quickly dulls life. Learn to engage again with your natural curiosity by booking a trip.
  • Challenge yourself. Perhaps you don’t travel because leaving a familiar area scares you half to death. But that’s the alluring thrill of it! Challenge yourself to move past that fear and go experience new things. You’ll see that it really wasn’t that scary, and you’ll really enjoy discovering what else the world has to offer beyond your circle of safety.
  • Rejuvenate. You may not realize just how much pressure you’re under by being constantly attached to the rest of the world via phone or email. There’s a lot of stress in our daily lives that we adjust to because there isn’t a choice, but taking some time away from all of that is surprisingly refreshing, if a bit terrifying.
  • Grow your appreciation. All too often our everyday luxuries are taken for granted, and we stop appreciating them. We aren’t saying to take a trip to a devastated country with no amenities, but a trip that’s either along those lines or a trip for historic purposes really gives insight into how far we’ve come, and gives you a healthier appreciation for the things you so easily expect each day.
  • Build new relationships. We’re social creatures. We aren’t meant to be isolated, but often, we insist on doing just that with the drive to succeed. What is the purpose of succeeding without anyone to share it with? Try branching out through travel and watch how immediately it positively affects you. No two people think just alike, and listening to or seeing different perspectives on everyday or extraordinary things causes a wonderful curiosity to discover more. If you build relationships that you really don’t want to lose, then you can also build a website, preferably using a web host with low monthly costs, as a platform to keep in touch with your new friends or to keep track of all the places you’ve travelled. If it goes well, you could even expand this into a site for world travelers and increase your readership through strategic SEO solutions.
  • Escape. Whether it’s a breakup, a change in jobs, or another major life event, traveling will provide an escape route. Take a breather outside of your normal life. It’ll help ease the transition and perhaps let you see opportunities that may not have been visible while you were stuck at home.
  • Celebrate. On a more positive note, celebrating is how we express our joy. An accomplishment, big or small, deserves recognition. Go a step further than just celebrating at home and take a trip. In fact, go one even better than that and take a trip with friends. This creates shared memories that will last you a lifetime.


Traveling the world is something that everyone should do at least once, but preferably many times. It is such an invaluable experience, that it is safe to say no one can go without doing it, and yet lead a truly fulfilling life. That is why it ought to be on your bucket list.  

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