Kids and sightseeing: How to make it a match

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As any parent will testify, as soon as little people come along into our lives those relaxing sightseeing trips tend to come to an end. Or, if you do take the plunge and opt to go one, it would be fair to say that they are drama-filled – and the enjoyment-factor can be stripped away.

Unfortunately, like it or not, a lot of sightseeing attractions just aren’t going to tickle children’s fancy’s. However, in a bid to at least see a few during parenthood, we have penned the following guide which shows some of the best tips to adopt during your trips.

Choose strategically

Whether you are staying in Blackpool or Bournemouth, you will always have a wealth of different attractions in the vicinity. Of course, some of these attractions are more child-friendly than others.

As we have already alluded to, children in general don’t like sightseeing. There are some attractions which are more appropriate for them than others though. For example, an art gallery and a sculpture park might both be focussed upon art, but the latter at least allows children to roam around and enjoy themselves in the Great Outdoors. It’s a little more versatile so to speak, and that’s what you need to look out for as you choose your sightseeing attraction.

Timing is key

As well as choosing what to visit, choosing when to visit is just as important. There are a couple of ways of looking at this. The first relates to the best time for your child. If they are still having afternoon naps (or morning naps, if they are that way inclined), then it stands to reason that these are the periods where you most definitely don’t want to visit.

At the same time, rush hour is a definite no-go area as well. The reasons for this should be clear for all to see; there are less options at peak times, while most kids tend to be at their worst in crowded places.

We should also add a point about the Monday-factor. This is the day where a lot of museums around the world happen to be closed, and the last thing you want to be doing is planning your day around this only to be hit by a giant closed sign.

Travel at their pace

Even though a lot of sightseeing attractions might not be solely targeting children, they will find many elements of them interesting. This is something that you need to take full advantage of. If they are seemingly intrigued by a section of the museum or your destination of choice, travel at their pace and let them enjoy it. Don’t drag them around looking at the things that are only of interest to you; it’s only going to spell disaster for the day.

The flexibility factor

Finally, don’t be afraid of being flexible. In other words, if you spot a cafe halfway around the attraction, take advantage and give everyone a break. At the same time, don’t expect to stick to a rigid itinerary. You can have the best intentions in the world when it comes to these attractions, but with kids alongside you things might not always go to plan and you may have to adapt.

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