2018 Out of the Darkness Walk #MentalHealthAwareness #StopSuicide

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This past weekend, we participated in and volunteered for the AFSP New Jersey Chapter of the Out of The Darkness Walk. This walk helped raise awareness for mental health and to fight suicide. As of today it raised $122,000 and counting. There were over 1,100 participants walk in Verona Park alone – a great turnout.
walk to end suicide
Ever walker and donor is helping fund the research to help us better understand the complexities of suicide and how best to prevent it. You are making free education and resources possible for the community. You are the voice that advocates on behalf of those who can’t. And you support programs for those who have been touched by suicide. Most importantly, you are breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide by standing up for this important issue, and showing those affected that they are not alone.
Please note that you can donate to the cause.  Please feel free to donate here! Remember, 84 cents of every dollar donated will go to suicide prevention.
Thank you for all you do to fight suicide and raise awareness.

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