Feeling a Little Down in The Dumps Lately? Here’s 6 Simple Tips to Improved Self-Care

self care

It’s been one of those weeks, hasn’t it? You know the kind – where everything seems to go wrong. Maybe you fought with your partner or got a bad review at work. Whatever it is, it feels like nothing is going your way. When feeling down in the dumps, it can be tough to pick yourself up and move again. But that’s precisely what you need to do to feel better! This article will discuss six simple tips for improving self-care when feeling down.

Start an exercise routine:

If you’re not already exercising regularly, now is the perfect time to start. Exercise has proven to be an effective way to boost your mood and improve overall health. Even if you can only spare 20 minutes daily, that’s enough to start. And who knows? Once you start feeling the benefits, you may want to exercise more. There are plenty of ways to fit exercise into your busy schedule. If you don’t have time for a traditional workout at the gym, try going for a brisk walk in your neighborhood or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work.

There are many workout videos and apps available online that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Exercise not only benefits your physical health but your mental health as well. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. So if you’re feeling down, a quick workout may be just what you need to pick yourself up.

Get outside:

Another simple way to improve your mood is to spend time in nature. Being in nature has decreased stress levels and increased happiness and well-being. Try to get outside for at least 20 minutes daily if you can. Take a walk in the park, sit on a bench, watch people, or enjoy the fresh air. It may be difficult to find green space if you live in an urban area. But even looking at pictures of nature can positively affect your mood.

If you can’t get outside, try bringing nature inside by adding some plants to your home or office. Studies have shown that being around plants can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety, and improve overall mood.

Make time for yourself:

In our busy lives, it’s easy to forget to make time for ourselves. We are constantly juggling work, family, and social obligations. But if we don’t take the time to care for ourselves, we can quickly become overwhelmed and stressed out. So make sure to schedule some “me time” into your week, even if it’s just 30 minutes to get dimple piercing information. During this time, do something that you enjoy and makes you feel good. This could be reading a book, taking a bubble bath, or going for a walk outdoors. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it’s something that relaxes and refreshes you.

If you have trouble making time for yourself, try setting a daily or weekly alarm on your phone as a reminder. Once you take some time out for yourself, you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel.

Connect with loved ones:

One of the best ways to improve your mood is to connect with loved ones. When we feel down, isolating ourselves and withdrawing from those we care about is easy. But reaching out to friends and family can help us feel connected and supported. Spend time talking or catching up with a friend, go on a date night with your partner, or have a family game night. If you live far away from your loved ones, stay in touch through phone calls, text messages, or video chats.

Many support groups are available online or in person that can provide social connection and emotional support. Joining one of these groups can be a great way to meet new people and feel less alone.

Do something nice for someone else:

One of the best ways to feel good is to do something nice for someone else. When we focus on others, we take the focus off of our problems and feel better about ourselves. There are many ways to show kindness to others. You can pay it forward by doing something nice for a stranger, like buying their coffee or holding the door open for them. You can also volunteer your time at a local soup kitchen or animal shelter. Or send a handwritten note or text message to tell your loved ones how much you appreciate them. Doing something nice for someone doesn’t have to be a big gesture. Sometimes the most minor acts of kindness can make the most significant difference.

Practice gratitude:

Gratitude is an integral part of self-care. We feel happier and more positive when we are grateful for the good things in our lives. There are many ways to practice gratitude. For example, you can keep a gratitude journal and write down three things you’re grateful for daily. You can also say a prayer of thanks before meals or at bedtime. Or simply take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you’re thankful for in your life. Practicing gratitude can help you appreciate the good in your life, even when times are tough. And when you focus on the positive, it’s easier to let go of negative thoughts and emotions.

Self-care is vital for our physical and mental health. We can improve our mood, reduce stress, and feel our best by taking the time to care for ourselves. So don’t forget to schedule some “me time” into your week and make self-care a priority! Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it.

Report Indicates Pandemic Accelerated Youth Mental Health Decline Correlated with Smart Phone Use

New data from the Mental Health Million Project across 34 nations confirms that mental health struggles among younger generations not only persist, they have in many instances accelerated. Even with promising new data suggesting a “near normal” summer could be on the way following two years of COVID-related restrictions, other data reveals that nearly half of young adults experienced mental health symptoms during the pandemic’s second year. Sapien Labs’ new rapid report reveals that the pandemic-era decline has accelerated an existing global trend, and led to the widespread disintegration of “social self.”

Sapien Labs’s latest Rapid Report provides data that confirms the continued challenges young adults have faced with their mental wellbeing, which have worsened throughout the pandemic. The data highlights key findings related to global mental wellbeing with a focus on how social self factors into the current state of youth, including:

  • Mental decline in young adults was significantly correlated with the local stringency of lockdown measures associated with the pandemic.
  • Out of 47 elements captured, 16 aspects of mental wellbeing were rated as having a severely negative impact on the ability to function by half or more of those aged 18-24.
  • The constellation of symptoms now dominating the mental profile of young adults do not map to any single disorder as defined by the DSM.
  • The ability to relate to and interact with others (“social self”) has been seriously impaired in over half of young adults across the world.
  • Pandemic-era declines reflect an acceleration of a trend that began in 2010, prior to which younger generations had the best measurable psychological well-being. Prior to the pandemic, this trend was strongly correlated with the growth of smartphone usage.

Dr. Tara Thiagarajan, scientist and Sapien Labs Founder, has compiled information about what the new rapid report reveals about the accelerating global decline of mental well-being in younger generations.

Unexpected Symptoms of Anxiety To Watch Out For

Anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental health problems and our awareness of it is growing. People that never would have been diagnosed in the past are getting the help that they need because they know how to spot the signs. If you are constantly worried for no real reason, it’s likely that you have an anxiety disorder.

stress busting

However, there are still a lot of people that are not getting the right treatment for anxiety because their disorder displays in different ways. Anxious thoughts are not the only sign to look out for and the disorder can impact you in ways that might surprise you. These are some of the unexpected symptoms of anxiety disorder. 

Muscle Pain 

The muscle tension that you feel when you are under stress is well known. We all experience it, but for anxious people, this feeling never goes away. The constant tension can lead to severe pain and sore muscles that just won’t go away. There are, of course, a lot of different reasons for muscle pain. However, if you find that you often have pain around the neck and shoulders, this could be because you are very anxious and you are holding all of that tension in your muscles. If you can find ways to manage your mental health, you should notice a big change in your muscle tension.

Skin Problems 

Anxiety and stress are closely related, which is why skin problems are common in people with anxiety. When you are stressed and anxious, the body releases cortisol and adrenaline, and these hormones can cause acne and an irritated scalp. If you find that you have a lot of pimples or different skin problems for no reason, your anxiety might be the cause.

Heavy Drinking 

People that are stressed out often rely on alcohol to alleviate their symptoms. They drink because it’s a depressant and it makes them forget about the stress for a few hours. People with social anxiety may also drink heavily to make themselves feel more relaxed in certain situations. This is a dangerous habit to get into and if you find yourself drinking a lot on a regular basis, you should consider rehab for alcohol before the problem gets out of control. Having a few drinks with friends doesn’t mean you have an anxiety disorder but if you regularly abuse alcohol, you should consider what the underlying cause might be. 

Chest Pains and Breathing Issues 

Having anxiety and panic attacks is not easy on the body. The constant worry, high blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat can all lead to chest pains that are quite similar to heart attack symptoms. This feeling often leads concerned anxious people to go see a doctor because they are worried that they might be having a heart attack. However, these pains are caused by something different – anxiety disorder. Quite often, people with panic disorders develop breathing problems. They may have shortness of breath or chronic hyperventilation which also causes pain in the area around the heart. If you notice these symptoms, you should get it checked out because it may be something more serious. However, it is often caused by anxiety.

Anxiety doesn’t just cause nervous thoughts, it causes a range of different symptoms that you should watch out for, including these unexpected ones. 

How Sleep Gives You a Healthy Mind and Healthy Body

In a world where incomes no longer match expenses, working part-time for more income can make spending time in bed feel like a lost opportunity. It is becoming routine for people to take naps during travels or skip sleep altogether to have fun or accomplish a task. This can cause significant detriment to their health. It is essential to weigh the short-term benefits and long-term effects on your health before skipping your sleep.

Sleep is a vital function that allows your mind and body to recharge and remain refreshed and alert during the day. Quality sleep keeps your body healthy and strong enough to fend off diseases. Without adequate sleep, your brain may fail to function appropriately, impairing your ability to process memories, concentrate, and think clearly.

What to know about sleep?

People in different age groups require different amounts of sleep per day, with the adults requiring less time in bed. Children below three months require 14 to 17 hours of sleep while those between four and eleven months need 12 to 15 hours daily. This is almost double the seven to nine hours suitable for adults. Failure to get adequate sleep can lead to attention lapses, delayed reactions, reduced cognition, and mood shifts.

Your body regulates the sleep cycle through circadian rhythm. This informs the brain of the actions to take throughout the day. Light also plays a role in informing your brain if it is day or night. As the sun rises, the body releases cortisol hormones, which promote alertness and energy. In the evening, the body produces melatonin, which causes drowsiness.

A few changes in your diet and lifestyle can help you enjoy quality sleep. Taking CBD for sleep can help you spend more quality time in bed by reducing anxiety and easing chronic pain. You may also enjoy better sleep if you make your bedroom a comfortable sleeping environment and abstain from caffeine before bed.

Quality sleep in creating a healthy mind and body

Quality sleep goes through four stages: three non-rapid eye movement (NREM) cycles and a rapid eye movement (REM) stage. The first NREM stage takes you from wakefulness to sleep. The second stage consists of deeper sleep with eye movements ceasing and body temperature decreasing. The third stage will see your brain wave activity, breathing, and heartbeat, reach their lowest levels. The REM stage is the deepest level of your sleep. Dreaming occurs at the REM stage. If you are struggling with sleeping disorders, you may need to revamp your bedroom for better sleep. The reasons why you should ensure quality, adequate sleep every night include:

It can help you avoid weight gain

Poor sleeping habits may cause weight gain due to changes in hormones that control appetite, leptin, and ghrelin. You are likely to avoid overeating or indulging in unhealthy food if you spend adequate time in bed. Your body gets refreshed and alert, helping you avoid snacks and energy boosters that can make you gain weight.

It can improve concentration and productivity

Sleep deprivation is not good for your health and mind, and sleepy people are likely to cause accidents on the road as they struggle to remain alert for prolonged periods. Quality sleep is necessary for proper brain function, including productivity, concentration, cognition, and performance. In extreme cases, sleep deprivation can affect brain function to a similar degree to alcohol intoxication.

It maximizes athletic performance

Adequate sleep is fundamental for all athletics as it helps in body recovery and muscle relaxation. Most body growth functions occur during sleep. Working out without taking sufficient sleep can make you fail to attain your maximum potential. Athletes with adequate sleep tend to have improved accuracy, speed, mental well-being, and reaction times.

Reduces risk of diseases

Get enough sleep to stay healthy and happier. A sleep disorder can impair your immune function, putting you at risk of various diseases like a cold. Inadequate sleep may cause cell inflammation, which may trigger inflammatory bowel disease and other disorders. Your sleeping habits can affect glucose metabolism and put you at risk of type 2 diabetes.

Getting enough sleep may mean you make a few sacrifices like minimizing social night outings, but it can help you remain healthy and happier. People who enjoy adequate sleep get sick less often and stay at a healthy weight. They also think more clearly and perform better in their duties.

Defeating Midlife Stress: 4 Key Tactics

The concept of stress in life is not the same as what it was 20 or 30 years ago. Entering the middle of our lives can be a challenging time. Women can start to undergo menopause, but also the fact that life appears to be more pressurizing now than at any point over the last few decades. While is debatable, the fact that increased communication has resulted in increased anxiety cannot be ignored. What can we do if we are feeling the pressures of middle-age, whether it is parental duties, career malaise, or just the midlife slump? 

Do Not Underestimate Nourishment

It sounds so obvious, but so many of us are swept away by the power of intermittent fasting or having one meal a day, but if we are undergoing a lot of stress, depriving our body is not the best approach. We have to nourish our bodies, and this will help us to feel more grounded. But additionally, look at your natural peaks and troughs when you are living your daily life. Many people find that anxiety just creeps upon them, which is why CBD products have helped many (you can click here for CBD products). If you can nourish yourself, you are giving yourself a stronger foundation to thrive. 

Reducing Your Commitments

We feel that we’ve got to be sociable when we don’t want to. Sometimes our social obligations exceed our obligations to ourselves. If the commitments and responsibilities do not reward you, you should not feel guilty for ending any relationships that don’t meet your needs. 

Recognizing Your Feelings

It is easier than ever to put off any negative thoughts because we are inundated with things that over-stimulate our senses. It is so important to learn how to recognize our feelings while also paying attention to our body’s signals. If your body is telling you something you need to listen to it. So few of us trust our instincts, but if we begin to recognize our feelings, we can give our bodies and brains the right resources to thrive.

Develop New Interests

As we approach the middle of our lives, we can look back on our past with regrets, or we can look to the future with trepidation. But it is the here-and-now that matters. Developing new interests is a great way to nourish our spirit. Because this gives us a feeling of mattering in a world where we could start to feel obsolete. The middle of our lives is a very precarious time because we can worry about getting older. But there are so many people that have understood that getting older is about learning to relax. While learning de-stressing techniques are so important so we can go past this midlife point with excitement we have to re-discover our passion for life. This is why it is so important to have a combination of methods, while also realizing that you haven’t lost anything by getting older, but in fact, you have a lot more to gain.

3 Ways To Find Your Lost Confidence

You might be struggling with your confidence and self-esteem levels at the moment. Fear not, you are not alone in this. Many people are struggling for all different reasons. The sooner you can find the source of your loss of confidence the sooner you can get back to your happy self. Be aware that if left alone your lack of confidence could turn into anxiety or even depression.

selfie pose

Here are two things that could be causing your lack of confidence and how to resolve it. 


You might think that you don’t have nice teeth or a nice smile. There are thousands of people who along with you may not like their smile but they are all unique. There are many things you can do to fix your smile if you dislike it. The first thing to do is go to the dentist, they will take a look at your teeth and see if anything needs doing. They may simply clean them for you which could give you an instant boost in confidence. 

They may discover that you have crooked teeth or an overbite. This can easily be resolved with the use of braces. You might worry about how much braces cost, they can be expensive but you could be eligible to spread the cost each month to make things easier. 


You may be worried that you are having a bad hair day constantly, making it a bad hair year. Your hair could be the be-all and end-all of your appearance. You may even panic that your hair looks greasy if you fail to wash it every single day. To fix this you can change up your hair at home, for example, you could curl it rather than having it straight. Instantly lifting you up as you view yourself in a different light. 

You could also take a visit to a hair salon. A hairdresser will make you look and feel like a million dollars. You could completely change your look and even be daring and get your hair coloured. You will leave feeling like a new woman. 

Talk about it

It is important you get to the root cause of your confidence problems before they develop into something more serious. If you can’t place your finger on it or the problem is deeper rooted then you could benefit from talking to a professional. If you feel like you can’t talk to your friends or family about it then consider the option of a therapist. A counsellor or therapist is trained in talking therapies. They will help you understand where your confidence problems stem from and how to resolve them. It may take some time, depending on your situation but you will get to the bottom of it and once you do it will make you feel so much better. Like the weight has been lifted off your shoulders. 

We hope you found this article helpful and it helped you understand that you are not alone. Remember, everyone has something that they don’t like about themselves, yes even the ones you think are perfect. 

Dealing with Back-to-School Struggles Now – Pandemic Pandemonium


back to schoolWas your child having difficulty managing at home or distance learning? Is he or she worried about going back to school? I can tell you, my youngest is in a panic about going back, he’s very worried. While at home learning was necessary for both the safety of the children and the teachers and staff, it has definitely had it’s negative effects on quite a few of the kids. Socialization, a sense of normalcy, routine, etc. Being stuck at home was hard on everyone, and it seems that the kids took it extremely rough. If your child is returning to school this fall, check out these tips from Dr. Bregman, child psychiatrist, starting next sentence.

While the Covid-19 virus has been less of a medical concern for children than adults, statistics show that it is taking a major toll on their mental health. Children’s hospitals across the country are showing a significant surge in admissions for everything from generalized anxiety to suicide. 

Returning to school in August may be much more challenging than the typical “end-of-summer bummer.” Parents will be paramount in helping them through obstacles and the time to start is now.

Children who suffer from pre-existing mental health disorders like anxiety/OCD, PTSD, or depression are expected to have the hardest time when school resumes. But what about children who didn’t have mental health issues prior to the pandemic? 

In my private psychiatry practice, I am now seeing a children’s version of Cave Syndrome, a term I coined which describes people with a fear of leaving their house (or cave) due to stressors that developed or worsened during the pandemic. Unlike adults with Cave Syndrome who are fearful of leaving the house to go to work or run errands, kids with Cave Syndrome are worried about returning to school.

New Factors

Even children without a tendency towards anxiety have seen their routines get disrupted. Some

have seen their family suffer from Covid-19, lose their jobs, and experience financial difficulties. With more than 600,000 deaths nationally, there are few people who haven’t been impacted by loss.  

Everyone was talking about the “new normal” a few months ago. Well, there’s nothing normal about it. Now we’re seeing the consequences when treating young patients for anxiety and fear-based problems they may never have developed if not for the pandemic. In a way, it’s an arrested childhood development.

Recognize Your Child’s Concerns

You can spot difficulties by observing your child closely. Do they make excuses to stay at home? Do they talk frequently about not wanting to return to school? Are the choices they make based in fear and anxiety as opposed to rationality and necessity? If they seem like they would rather be grounded than return to school, they may need professional help.

Guidance to Move Your Child Forward

You know your child better than anyone else. The most important thing you can do immediately is to talk to him or her privately. Speak to them with honesty, love, and caring. Let them know that it’s ok to have these feelings and that you will be there to support them every step along the way. It’s also good for them to realize they are not alone in feeling anxious and fearful at this time.  

For younger children, talk to them about the first day of school with a sense of levity and good humor. Framing it in a positive light may work wonders. In addition, you can give him or her something from home, a memento, to hold onto as a comfort mechanism.

[Read more…]

GIVING GRIEF MEANING – A Book to help through vulnerable times

Most of us, I’d even wager to say all of us, will experiance grief at points of our lives. How we deal with it varies from person to person, but it’s not a topic that most of us are excited to tackle.  After a sad event, the author (Lily Dulan) decided to write a book about grief and her experiences.

grief book

You can Find it on Amazon or Bookshop 
ISBN 978-1642503135
Price: $18.95


Following the death of her daughter, Kara Meyer Dulan, from SIDs at the tender age of two months old, Dulan was compelled to give meaning to her daughter’s brief life and honor her name.  As she moved through the grief process in a profound and transformative way, she gradually created The Name Work®, a cross pollination of proven psychological modalities, 12-step wellness tools, and spiritual healing applications.  By attaching a special meaning to names, and following breathing and meditative exercises, daily affirmations, and more, the method teaches us how to overcome our personal and professional challenges.  It also addresses our shared grief at this most difficult and challenging time in history, brought on by Covid-19, racialism, a collapsing economy, and environmental disasters.  For many of us, the upcoming holiday season will trigger feelings of stress, loneliness and grief, and the New Year will bring forth desires to make a lasting change.  GIVING GRIEF MEANING explains how to work through challenges such as:

  • Reframing a relationship with ADDICTION, FOOD, SEXUALITY, BODY IMAGE
  • Rebuilding after CHANGE, SADNESS, DEPRESSION


“Lily Dulan has written a courageous book filled with depth and vulnerability. Through the devastating loss of her beloved daughter Kara, Lily was inspired to create the process of “The Name Work®.” I’m sure that it will prove to be an accessible and useful tool for many people to give meaning to their grief. This book is filled with real-world examples of love overcoming despair. Lily encourages the reader to feel their own truth and develop empowering thoughts in sync with that truth. For all who are grieving, this book fulfills its promise to bring readers a sense of renewal, love and ultimate peace of mind.

—Judith Orloff, MD, Author of The Empaths Survival Guide

“Lily has written a heart-warming, courageous book about The Name Work®, offering pages of wisdom, guidance and hope to all who are grieving unbearable loss. From the heartbreak and despair of her little daughter’s death to discovering new meaning and purpose in life, Lily shares the lessons she learns on her healing journey to Giving Grief Meaning. Lily’s big heart of love shines through the pages of this book, embracing every reader who longs to find a hope-full path from devastating grief to a new commitment to life, love and compassion.”

—Trudy Goodman, Founder of InsightLA

“Lily’s book, Giving Grief Meaning, takes the reader on an intimate personal journey of Lily’s experience of what it is like to have a much loved and wanted baby in the NICU, and then for her sweet baby Kara to die of SIDS eight weeks after birth at home. Lily and her husband were shattered by unfathomable grief and trauma. Lily’s assumptive world was blown up and she shares her authentic, messy, and dark despair of grief. With the help of community and a strong spiritual practice was she able to transform her pain and suffering into helping herself and others. She chose to live and thrive through her love for Kara. Grief is LOVE. The Name Work® is a beautiful deck of cards with an initial on it. It is a heart centered “tool” or process to create affirmations, positive attributes and describe a loved one by using the letters of their name. Brilliant! I can not recommend this healing book enough to anyone suffering through the wide range and turbulent human emotions of grief, no matter the type of loss. This book will help validate and normalize the life-long ups and downs of the grieving process. Thank you Lily for your gift of this book and choosing life – you are helping so many by shining your light, grace and love with us all.”

—Dr. Ivy Margulies, Psy.D., PMH-C

“Insurmountable pain strikes deep and transforms lives; the effects last a lifetime. How we engage that pain truly determines our path forward. Through Giving Grief Meaning, the reader journeys with Lily Dulan as she blossoms into the unique, stunning, beautiful and giving person that she is today. To take pain and truly transform it toward enlightened joy and giving for others is a gift. We at Unatti Foundation are truly grateful for the wisdom that Lily has imparted to our girls in Nepal. The dedication of the Kara Love Project Community Room was a true testament to the care that Lily provides to rise the human spirit. Lily is now sharing all the possibilities to turn pain into growth with the world. Brava!”

—Stephanie Waisler-Rubin and Michelle Armoni, Unatti Foundation