Earth Mama Organics NEW Mineral Sunscreen

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Just what you have been looking for – a new mineral sunscreen family from Earth Mama Organics – 6 products – thoughtfully created for adults, kids, and babies. These are made with the most premium and safest ingredients available – they are reef-friendly and non-nano as well, which means that they won’t be harmful when worn into fragile ecosystems. (So much better for the environment, I can’t imagine why all brands aren’t doing it at this point.)

organic sunscreen

What’s IN these sunscreens is just as important as what’s NOT. If an ingredient is available organic, that is what gets used.

Each ingredient is purposefully sourced with great consideration — to boost the sunscreen’s SPF value, moisturize, or ensure it’s safely gentle on uber-sensitive skin.

What’s not in them? Chemicals that are potentially harmful to people, coral reefs or the planet like:Oxybenzone, octinoxate (or other chemical sunscreens), artificial fragrance, nano particles, or parabens. These are better for you, the fish, other animals, and the environment as a whole- there is no good reason NOT to use these.

The first thing you think when you hear “mineral sunscreen” is pasty white, right? Not these.  Earth Mama sunscreens – just visible enough to see the spots you missed during application, which is always helpful with kids who won’t stay still, or to make sure that you actually remembered to do your arms.

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