Comparing Home Care Versus An Assisted Living Center

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For most struggling American families, having a senior member of the family that needs care will probably consider an assisted living center. The assisted living center employs staff who are ready to provide the needs of the senior. However, for other people, they dedicate their time and energy taking care of their senior family members. For these people, they would rather renovate their homes to accommodate the seniors who would like to stay inside their homes with their family surrounding them. There are many ways on how to renovate the home to make it elderly-friendly. The following entries are some of the suggestions from the experts on how the house can be transformed to enable the elderly people to live comfortably inside without any issues.

No Step Entries and Thresholds

Most homes are elevated and it requires steps just to reach the door. For those who are taking care of their senior family members, it is suggested that they should remove the steps that can become troublesome, especially for senior family members who are trying to walk around. Homeowners could ask professional construction workers to remove the steps and then it can be transformed into an inclined plane where the wheelchair can be used with ease. When compared to an assisted living center, step entries are absent because it would be a problem for the seniors living there. This renovation would be a must in a home environment where a senior lives. This renovation would prevent them from sustaining any injuries leaving or arriving at home. 

Installing a Garage Lift and an Elevator

If the stairs inside a home could not be removed because it is an essential part of the house, a lift or an elevator can be installed to help the seniors who want to go up. A lift is a small platform that can go up and down, and it can be controlled to move slowly to assist the seniors who are trying to take a ride. For those who have an additional budget, an elevator can be installed inside the house to allow the seniors to move to a higher floor. In the United States, some assisted living facilities have second floors but have elevators to help their guests. For people who are in the state of Kansas looking for assisted living Overland Park seniors trust, a search could lead them to facilities who have installed a state of the art elevator for seniors who are living there, providing them with utmost care.

Reconstructing the Bathroom for the Elderly

The seniors are prone to accidents and injuries, and most of the cases involving a senior happen inside the bathroom. One of the reasons would be the slippery nature of the tiles that are installed inside the bathroom. A fall could happen in or outside the tub or shower. If there are seniors who still live with the family, the best solution would be installing grab bars inside the bathroom and putting in a carpet that would minimize the chances for them to slip. The bathroom should also have strong lighting that would give the seniors the ability to see where they are stepping. Inside the assisted living center, some seniors are being accompanied by their respective caregiver preventing them from slipping. Preventing seniors from falling would also give them a healthy body without any fractures.

Elderly people can receive the best care from assisted living centers because they hire the best staff who can perform the tasks required. However, if the seniors would prefer living with their family, and the members are more than happy to take care of them, then the seniors should go with them. However, since taking care of a senior family member requires a lot of responsibility, make sure that the home is being transformed to accommodate all of their needs. You might have to change a lot of things in your home to make it safe for a senior. Try to emulate what the assisted living centers can give. Make sure that the senior family member will be safe in their environment.

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