Another Tick in the Box: 7 Essential Pieces of Gear No Camper Should Be Without

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Having the right pieces of gear during a camping escapade is always important. However, as a camper and a backpacker, it’s imperative to know what items to take with you and what items to leave behind so you can be sure you are carrying the right weight. Here is a list of seven essential pieces of gear you should always have.

  1. Powerful Lantern

You will not realize how dark it can get until you go camping in the wilderness. For that reason, a good lantern is instrumental as it will help to light your camping area at night. You can look for lanterns with replaceable batteries so you don’t have to worry about staying in the dark when the batteries die. On the other hand, rechargeable batteries are ideal but you will have to carry spare ones since there is no electricity in the wilderness.

  1. Walkie Talkies

There are chances that your mobile phone may lack service while camping. That is why it is advisable to carry a walkie talkie with you so you can remain connected to family and friends without worrying about the dead zones. These are especially instrumental if you are planning to travel with your children as they are an inexpensive way to remain in communication.

  1. Flashlight

A flashlight, just like the lantern, is essential when it comes to camping. These are imperative for safety reason and good for your sanity when camping in the wilderness because sharing a flashlight can be cumbersome. Choose a small and lightweight flashlight with an easy-to-operate switch. Your flashlight should also fit comfortably in a backpack and palm.

  1. Sleeping Bag

A camping blanket or a sleeping bag will ensure you remain warm when spending your night in the wilderness. You may decide to use a sleeping pad along with a sleeping bag but isn’t absolutely necessary especially if you are a person who does not mind sleeping anywhere.

  1.    Firestarter

You may not consider matches as official camping gear, but these are pretty important. You can carry a lighter or a box of matches with other camping material for ease of access. You can consider getting one of the best firestarters if you are planning to make a fire whether for cooking, sterilizing water, or protecting yourself from other elements in the wildlife.

  1. First Aid Kit

A first aid kit that has been amazingly stocked is an essential piece of gear which you may easily forget, but you need to know that anything can happen outside. Burns, scratches, and other injuries can occur when camping and serious emergencies are not an exception. Therefore, a first aid kit, like any other camping gear, is quite important.

  1. Maps

As much as you would prefer a GPS, it is to be safe and get a plan B when you are out camping. Although a bit old school, print out a paper map for use when hiking or camping. A map can help you get to your destination, find your way back your campsite, and show you the exit route.

Final Word

When you go camping, make sure you have the right equipment with you. Consider your location and the duration of your camping and get the right pieces of gear. However, do not miss any of the seven equipment highlighted in this guide.

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