Best travel gadgets in 2019 to pack in your backpack

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Travelling is one of the best things a person can do to himself or herself. It helps them to take a much-needed break in life and think about themselves, new prospects and other stuff that can help them to grow. But travelling is not always for pleasure. It is sometimes business, and sometimes it is an adventure. There are also quite a lot of other reasons too such as to seek education, moving on in life, and etc. But one thing remains common in all sorts of travelling, and that is our items in the backpack.

When we are travelling, it is our instinct that we want to pack each and everything which is important to us. But this is not wise, as we are not only bounded by a certain weight limit on our ticket but also it is easy to manage a lot of weight. Carrying a heavy backpack will not only make you less mobile and agile but also cost you more energy. You should always pack those items that are most important to you. Every other thing is secondary. For this reason, it is highly recommended to pack multipurpose travel gadgets to keep in your backpack.

Best Travel Gadgets in 2019 to pack in your backpack

We have made some extensive research and learnt about some amazing travel tech and gadgets that are not only important to keep in your backpack, but they are also effective in many ways. It doesn’t matter what is the niche of your trip, you simply need to keep these items in your backpack for a safe and comfortable journey. These items will make sure that you have a great journey and an even better experience so that you can enjoy more. So read on, improve your packing, acquire these items and make the most of everything.

Smartphone /tablet with useful applications

A smartphone is generally not kept in your backpack. But it is still the most important item you need to keep all the time with you. It has everything you need, from personal contacts to your personal data, camera, camcorder, internet browsers, and useful applications. Tablet it another form of a smart device that is recommended to keep in a backpack. Smart and useful applications include maps, emergency contacts, currency converter, compass, weather update, language translator, internet browser, travel agency’s application, and etc.

These applications come in handy, and if you have a working internet connection you can practically make your travel plans from a phone. One of our colleagues had to visit Accra for a meeting. He downloaded a travel agency’s application on his phone, which he used to book his online tickets, hotel accommodation, car rentals, and other transfers. It made his journey easier than it should have been in normal cases because such swift affairs tend to throw you in a panic mode. So be wise and download important apps in your smartphone/tablet.

Universal plug converter

Your electronic gadgets battery doesn’t last an eternity. No matter how powerful the battery is, you will need to charge them at any time in your journey. Especially electronic items such as cell phone, laptop, flashlight, or any other important appliance. If they run out of power, it can create a mess for you. Although you can find a socket for charging your device anywhere, most of the time there is a difference in the plug, which creates more problems. For this reason, it is important to keep a universal plug converter in your backpack wherever you go. In this way, you can easily charge your phone, laptop or any other appliance from any power socket available.

Wire extension board

Just like a universal plug converter, keeping a wire extension board in your backpack will make your travelling much laid-back in 2019. You have many electronic appliances and devices and each one of them needs charging. Keeping a wire extension board will help you charge them all at once, and instead of charging one device at a time. You can save valuable time by keeping a wire extension board with you in all your travels in 2019 and beyond.

Power banks

When you are travelling between destinations, you will need your mobile phone, laptop, camera, and any other device batteries fully charged. This is a digital age and you rely a lot on electronic items. For this reason, you need to keep a powerful power bank(s) with you all the time as you don’t know when you will be able to charge your phone or other devices again.

Hard Drive/External memory

Going to different places can create a desire to take a photo on your phone or your camera. So relying on a very limited memory space of your phone or camera is not the best of ideas. For this reason, keep an external memory card, or a portable hard drive just to make sure you don’t miss out on anything just because you ran out of memory space.

Good quality hands-free or headphones

Keeping good quality hands free/headphones is quite important these days. You cannot put on songs in your mobile phone or any other sound playing device. You need to respect others presence and comfort as well. For this reason, keeping hands free or headphones is important in your backpack. You can also keep sound cancelling hands-free as well to eliminate all the noises in your surroundings. They work great in an aeroplane, train, bus, and any other place that naturally produces noise.

Insect repellent

Sometimes small things seem unimportant to us. But when we need them, we need them desperately. Amongst those small items is an insect repellent. It is important to keep one in your backpack as you don’t know what kind of insects there will be in that particular place. Mosquitos can cause a lot of nuisance and irritation. They can also carry a lot of infections and diseases that can ruin your trip if bitten. So be wise and carry an insect repellent.

Hiking essentials

If you are going on a trekking trip, there are multiple gadgets we would commend you to keep. Every hiking and trekking trip has its own appeal, but one must always take additional care when travelling in the backwoods.

  • Solar charger
  • Camp shelter
  • Rain Coat
  • GPS watch
  • Flashlights
  • Satellite phone
  • Sunscreen gel/lotion/cream
  • Moisturizing cream/lotion
  • Binoculars
  • First aid kit
  • Water purifier bottle
  • Sunglasses
  • Swiss Army Knife
  • Foot warmers

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