Laser hair removal

Laser Hair Removal: Hair Goes, Everything Else Stays

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The following is a guest post. It reflects the author’s thoughts and experiences.


I’m not too proud to admit that I was a bit nervous about getting laser hair removal. I mean, even the title is a bit intimidating: hair, removed by a laser. I don’t know a whole lot about lasers, but I know they’re powerful. I know they’ve been used as weapons in a million movies and TV shows, so I feel like it’s OK to be nervous about using a laser to remove hair. I searched around southern California, looking for somewhere that had this service and made me feel right. That’s what brought me to Divante.

Why I Needed Laser Hair Removal

I think people, no matter what gender they are, know what it’s like to struggle to get rid of a hair they’re shaving. Whether it’s on your chin, legs or anywhere else, there are certain hairs that, for whatever reason, require tweezers, undivided concentration, and more. The problem becomes when you have hairs that there’s literally no way to get rid of. I’ve had plenty of those. These seemingly “invincible” hairs have been a pain for as long as I can remember having hairs. Trimming them, when it’s done, seems to make them only more resolute about growing in the same place. Divante, when I looked at them had, had a permanent hair removal solution that sounded fantastic to me.

Hair Anywhere

I have a certain part of my body that I don’t want hair in, and no matter what I do, it keeps coming back. What I loved about Divante (well, one of the things I loved about Divante) was the sheer number of options for hair removal. You can get them to remove hair in so many different parts of your body, some of which I legit didn’t know were capable of growing excess hair. What I really liked, on top of that, were the packages. If you only have problem hairs in a few areas, they can focus on those areas, so that you can make them look how you want.

Laser Precision

Lasers, whatever else you might think about them, are so precise. That was one of my initial fears of this hair removal: that the lasers were going to maybe eliminate the hair, but also take a bunch of skin and hair with them. What makes the lasers at Divante so great is that they focus just on one area. There’s no “mission creep,” they don’t suddenly start eliminating more hair than they should. That means you can pick exactly where you want hair to be removed.

Specificity and More

It was so cool how they got rid of only the hair I wanted to get rid of. I’d been picking at that, going in with tweezers, but really cutting nothing short except my patience. The people who operate these lasers for Divante must be real wizards because they did an out and out magical job. To see what they can do for you, call (818) 334-4737.

Speak Your Mind

Laser hair removal gets rid of those hard to reach hairs, the ones that plucking and tweezers just can’t quite take out. With the same quality lasers used in laser skin rejuvenation, this treatment from Divante MedSpa can make your body look how you want it to: (818) 334-4737