Flamingo Gardens Fort Lauderdale FL

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Bird Watching Up Close and Personal at the Flamingo Gardens Botanical Gardens and Everglades Wildlife Sanctuary

Flamingo Gardens Bird Preserve Fort Lauderdale Florida

Anyone that has ever been attracted to bird watching and communing with nature needs to add the Flamingo Gardens in Fort Lauderdale Florida to their list of travel destinations.

Flamingo Gardens bird preserve large white birdThe gardens are in part a small zoo or sanctuary for animals that can’t live in the wild, while giving visitors a peek into the magic of the Everglades. With interesting local wildlife and the usual exhibits you might expect comes the unexpected surprise of real immersion.

There are owls you can view through the wire of their habitats, educational shows, and a tram ride to offer a look behind the scenes, but Flamingo Gardens Botanical Gardens and Everglades Wildlife Sanctuary has something that really stands out. An open habitat aviary that is home to a variety of indigenous fowl.

Seeing a pelican and some of the other large species is a little like coming face to face with a dinosaur. The smaller birds fly from tree to tree overhead while their larger cousins paddle in the water or waddle on land. Walking within a few feet of these magical creatures is a captivating way to understand why birds fascinate so many of us. My family has owned a few birds over the years so this was not my first time getting to study them up close, but the shear volume and variety was amazing. You will definitely be clicking away with your camera!

Birds nests at the Flamingo Gardens BOTANICAL GARDENS & EVERGLADES WILDLIFE SANCTUARYBetween that level of interaction, the natural beauty of the trees and plants, you could not pick a more lovely place to spend the afternoon. If you want to get a real feel for the Everglades after this up close look at the wildlife that lives there you simply drive a few miles up the road and into the Everglades National Forest. Flamingo Gardens offers the opportunity to view all this wildlife up close right next-door  to National Forest where you see the grander and full scope of the environment these animals come from.


When planning a trip to Fort Lauderdale this is a top choice for destinations. Really getting a feel for local wildlife brings the whole experience to another level beyond just viewing animals at any of the zoos around the country. Their mission as a wildlife and botanical sanctuary is something we can support. Educating visitors about endangered plant and wildlife species in the Everglades and Southern Florida while enjoying a day out in nature is a winning combo.

Wildlife preserve at Flamingo Gardens Fort Lauderdale Florida red eyed bird and Everglades sign

To find out more or plan a visit to Flamingo Gardens Botanical Gardens and Everglades Wildlife Sanctuary visit their website Flamingogardens.org or follow them on Social Media – TwitterFacebookInstagram

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  1. Shakeia Rieux says

    It is so beautiful there! I would love to take my nieces to visit someday!

  2. The flamingos look so eye-warming! Perfect place for relaxation!

  3. I would so love to visit this place. I really enjoyed the pictures thanks you for sharing this one looks so relaxing and fun for the whole family.

  4. Antoinette M says

    Beautiful place to visit!

  5. Dana Rodriguez says

    Really pretty there. Looks like a great place to visit!

  6. This sounds like a great place to visit. I love watching birds.

  7. Maryann D. says

    Flamingo Gardens in Fort Lauderdale FL seems like a lovely and peaceful place to visit. I would enjoy it.

  8. I’m from West Palm Beach and frequented Ft. Lauderdale. I I live in Orlando now. I didn’t know about this place, so thank you for sharing. Once we can get out again, I would love to take my kids. They would love it.

  9. Sounds like fun!

  10. Michele Pineda says

    I loved watching the flamingos when I visited Florida as child. They were fun to watch and definitely a reminder that I was in Florida.


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