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Let me introduce Extract Labs out of Boulder, CO. They make an amazing selection of exceptionally pure Hemp Tinctures that are the highest quality, but offered at the lowest price points possible since the company keeps every step of production in-house. Yes, they are made here in the USA.
Extract Labs was founded by a former combat veteran turned CO2 extraction expert, Craig Henderson. The Hemp Tinctures are made of oil that has been CO2-extracted from industrial hemp plants grown only in Colorado. It’s rich in CBD and uses a base of fractionated coconut oil – the purest form of coconut oil. Consumer testimonials indicate the tinctures are used to support wellness in a number of ways, including relieving symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, inflammation, epilepsy, chronic pain, PTSD, etc. It is available in different sizes and dosages. There are even options for your 4 legged friends!
They also make the most AMAZING Extra Strength Muscle Cream, Face Cream, Softgels and Lip Balm.
They feel as good as they look.

I also recently checked out a new CBD line called Green Grove CBD – a Kansas City based broad spectrum line (meaning no THC). Made here in the USA, they have a really cool initiative where for every product purchase, a tree is planted. The line offers amazing CBD energy packets that go into water, Bath Bombs, CBD Candles, Soft Gels, Vitamin CBD packets for water (that give you energy) and more. Also fantastic sleep CBD Tinctures with Melatonin. Again, there are options for your pets as well.
If you are looking for great healthcare products your friends and family will love, look no further. Happy Holidays 🙂
[…] Looking for CBD and Hemp Tinctures and Products? #GiftGuide #MadeInTheUSA – It’s rich in CBD and uses a base of fractionated coconut oil – the purest form of coconut oil. insomnia, inflammation, […]