Coronavirus Updates: Have You Heard About The New Symptoms To Be Aware Of?

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• A potential sign of coronavirus: Doctors caution that sensory loss may be a sign of COVID-19. “There have been a rapidly growing number of reports of a significant increase in the number of patients presenting with anosmia in the absence of other symptoms,” the president of the British Rhinological Society wrote. If you experience sensory loss, you should call your doctor and self-isolate. 

• New York becomes center of U.S. outbreak: New York has more than 20,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, the majority of U.S. cases. New York now accounts for 5% of cases worldwide. The spike in cases is 

• Congress stalls on economic relief: Almost $2 trillion in economic relief is stalled in the Senate due to disagreements between republicans and democrats. Democrats say the bill does not allocate enough to households, hospitals and health professionals.

• Buyer beware: The FDA warns against at-home COVID-19 testing kits as three companies prepare to sell mail-order testing kits. None of the kits are FDA-approved.

• Around the world: India expands its lockdown to cover almost all 1.3 billion of its residents. German chancellor Angela Merkel tests negative after coming in contact with a doctor who tested positive. The chancellor will be tested again in a few days. Spain plans to extend its state of emergency 15 days as the country’s death toll rises.

Shared via “The Mighty”, hope this helps during these crazy times! Stay safe and PLEASE isolate.

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