Getting Rid of Unwanted Wildlife in the Garden and Yard

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For most homeowners the sight of small animals and birds in their garden is a delight, it helps you to feel at one with nature and that you’re doing your bit to help the environment.

But, there are plenty of wild animals that can cause issues in your garden. The most common problems arise from animals digging, this damages plants and even the foundations of structures. If you like growing vegetables you’ll find that some animals are attracted to your garden simply to eat them.

That’s the biggest issue, your garden is full of water and food for animals, making it an attractive place to stay.  That’s why you need to adopt the right approach to getting rid of problem wildlife.

Step 1 – Professional Help

If you have a problem with wildlife you should call the local exterminators. They can help to eradicate the issue or simply assist you in preventing wildlife from getting into your garden.

Their specialist knowledge of your area will help identify the issue and give you the best suggestions to eliminate the problem.

It’s definitely time to find out more about their services.

Step 2 – Fencing

Fencing your garden is a great way to keep many animals out, although this won’t work for all of them. Cats and rodents are very good at finding a way over, or even through a fence. Animals that bury through the earth can simply go under the fences. 

You can bury fencing to help prevent this from happening but even above ground fences will help to keep some animals out.

Step 3 – Eliminate Food Sources

Bird feeders and waste food are the two biggest attractions for wildlife, they represent a free meal. Hang your birdfeeders where only birds can reach them and ensure all waste, garden or household, is inside a sealed bin. 

The tighter the lid the less likely it is that this waste will attract wildlife.

Step 4 – Be Vigilant

Night cameras are a great way to spot what animals are doing when you’re not present. But, even if you don’t want to invest in these you’ll find that simply being vigilant will allow you to identify an issue earlier and take steps to deal with it.

Step 5 – Planting

Once you know what wildlife you’re dealing with you’ll be able to confirm which plants they are not keen on. There are plenty of herbs that are effective at keeping most animals away. Plant these around the perimeter of your garden and in key areas to reduce the attraction of your garden to animals.

Again, the professionals can help advise you which plants work best.

Step 6 – Repellent

There are a variety of repellant sprays on the market which can be used along the perimeter of your garden. You’ll need to know which animals you’re dealing with in order to ensure you’re using the right repellant.  Use the right one and the wildlife won’t be interested in coming into your garden, there are much easier targets around. 


  1. Maryann D. says

    I do like to see wildlife in my backyard. My cat enjoys looking at them too through the window. I just worry about if they will do damage to my property.


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