Getting Ready For Fall

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We may well be in the thick of August, but you can still smell the Fall just around the corner and the leaves are starting to turn a little. The deliciously warm weather is beautiful on the skin, but those early evening winds are picking up. The seasons are always in transition, and that means your home should be, too. The temperatures are just about cooling down and the changes in the season mean that there are certain jobs that you should be doing right now to get ready.

It’s always best to prepare for the Fall ahead as early as you can. Those Canadian September weather months are biting as the snow prepares to fall, and you need to ensure that your home is ready for it. With this in mind, here are some of the things that you can do to get your home ready for Fall.

ready for fall

  1. Start with getting your things organized. We’re not too far from the end of August right now, so it’s the time to start putting those summery clothes away and bringing out some of the cardigans and jeans that you’ve stashed during the heat. You need to decide how you’re going to get your clothes stored away to keep them from getting moldy in moist air. 
  2. Get the school supplies! If you’ve got kids going back to school soon, it’s time to shop for supplies and make sure that everyone is squared away and ready for the new school year. School days are creeping up fast and you need to not be snowed under by all the tasks that are involved in getting ready for school.
  3. Clean the oven. When was the last time you deep cleaned the oven properly? As the weather starts to cool off, you’re going to be using the oven much more for those stews and casseroles you save up for the winter. There are so many things that you’ll want to cook to warm the tummies of everyone in the family, and it’s always better to do that in a freshly cleaned oven.
  4. Call in the cleaners. Decluttering and cleaning out the house is a must and if you plan to feel organized and ready for the season, clutter needs to be given a place or sent to the trash. As the kids head to a new school year, taking all of their older clothes and things to the charity shop is a good way to declutter and get rid of everything. You can always hire a van to help you to get rid of things if you need to, but either way, it’s time to chuck it all out!
  5. Clear the outside. From making sure you have clean gutters to cutting back the weeds, you need to clear the outside of your home. Get the lawn prepared for the season and get your garden tools properly stored away. Now’s the time to make sure that the garden can withstand the cold.

We all love the Fall and the crispy cold weather it brings, but you need to prepare for it. Use the tips above and make it happen!

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