Why do You Need to Talk About Your Stress Eating Disorder

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According to a survey, the most popular New Year resolutions for the year 2020 of people of the United States was “eating healthy.” Another survey says that the reason for American’s eating unhealthy is stress. 

It is no rocket science that our body behaves differently when it is under any kind of stress. Different people have different coping mechanisms to deal with their depression and anxieties. One of the very common responses to depression is that people start finding comfort in eating their favorite foods. More often than not, these foods are unhealthy and are eaten in an unhealthy amount. It is called stress eating. 

How to Know If You Have Stress Eating Disorder? 

Unlike other physical problems, eating disorders are hard to identify. The person who is suffering from it may not realize it, but they could have it. While there is no hard and fast rule to or test or detect if someone has the problem or not, one can still identify the problem. 

If you find yourself a little better after eating a lot of your favorite food or snack every time you have an episode of depression and anxiety, then you are definitely stress eating, and you need to do something about it. 

How to Deal With it?

Dealing with any eating disorder is not easy. It is just the same as rehabilitation. If you think that you can do it on your own, then more power to you, but many people can’t overcome their eating disorder until they get help. 

Here are some of the ways that can help you overcome stress eating and getting a healthier lifestyle.

Create Personal Space 

It is not an easy thing to come out with your problems as there is always a fear of people judging you. So, create an anonymous personal space on a platform like DOE, where you feel heard and talk about your problem. 

Get Professional Help 

There is no shame in getting the help that you need with something that is destroying both your physical and mental health. So, get the advice of a professional doctor and make your life easy.

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